by Shelt Garner
I guess we’re still in the “denial” phase of MAGA’s potential death rattle. Or, maybe, the phase before the Fourth Reich consolidates power and the American Killing Fields open in an ICE Camp near you. Lulz?
The reason why I say that is Hugh Hewitt is living in la-la land when it comes to the Trump Administration’s reaction to COVID19. What is also interesting is it seems as though MAGA “thought leaders” are prepping the ground for some regular old racism — people like Hugh Hewitt keep conspicuously calling it “Wuhan Flu” as if to dog whistle some anti-Chinese racism in the near, near future. (Please note, I still call COVID19, “Wuflu” because that’s what I first heard it called and it’s a sly reference to Wu-tang.
And, all things being equal, they’re likely to succeed. COVID19 is moving rather slow right now and they have plenty of time to lay the ground work for blaming Asians, or liberals or God himself, if need be, for any political damaged going forward. In the end, I think we all know what may happen — the Dear Leader will simply order the faithful to vote for him, no matter what, as a sign of their personal fidelity to him. He’s already pretty much close to this when he called farmers “patriotic.” He’s trying to get them to tow the line long-term so the evil brown people and the evil feminists won’t snatch their children in the middle of a cold Iowa night.
So, in a sense, MAGA is no longer just a cult, or a personality cult, it’s a DEATH CULT. They would rather we all die than Trump face any political consequences. So, even if Trump somehow magically is force out of office peacefully, House Trump will bounce back extremely quick by telling the faithful that they only lose because of the media’s “hoax” coverage of COVID19 that tanked the economy. This, even if, like, 11 million people die. They just don’t care. They really hate women and brown / black people that much.
I have say, I’m rather impressed with Hugh Hewitt and his fellow MAGA thought leaders for their commitment to the grift. I love you Hugh Hewitt, I really do. You’re the bestest guy in the WHOLE WORLD.