Red States Are Making Blue States Sick(er) #COVID19

America, 2020
Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelt Garner

I live near the Virginia border with North Carolina. I’m beginning to grow worried that the Tar Heels are increasing the risk that I, and the people I love, here in Virginia are going to get ill because of their negligence. I also have family in NC, so, lulz?

The problem with the American response to COVID19 is it’s so slipshod that because of how decentralized the system is that we’re all kind of going to go down together when the history of this is written. What House Trump wants is for COVID19 to “burn itself out” by April in such a way that they can hide what really happen through a lack of testing.

One of the big issues for me in the politicalization of this cluster fuck is how MAGA is going to lie, cheat and steal its way to victory, no matter what. Some 11 million people could die unnecessary, preventable deaths and unless Trump finally goes fucking insane in a rather dramatic fashion, I just don’t see him being held accountable in a real-time political fashion. Maybe in the history books 40 years from now, but now when it might matter in the 2020 election. Trump will do whatever necessary to stay in power if this pandemic gets as bad as many people fear.


So, all I can say is take this seriously and buckle up. Tell someone older in your life you love them. You may not have a chance to do so soon.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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