by Shelt Garner
I have been talking about the political and historical implications of The Gray Plague for some time now. And, lo and behold, my fears may be careening towards reality. This is nightmare stuff. Apparently, a lot of Democrats were at AIPAC this year and a few people there apparently may have had COVID19 at the time.
This is exactly the type of stuff I’ve been talking about.
Because we’re doing a piss-poor job of mitigation, we may lurch towards having to do triage. The reason why I say this is we already have the example of Iran where the country is quickly imploding because of COVID19 contagion. Now, just imagine that the preventable sickness and death of a shit ton of people occurs throughout the American population in the next two weeks because we lulzed this while it was still possible to control.
We’re now rushing towards a rather scary moment when not only the poor and the powerless are sick from COVID19, but, like, powerful old people and stuff. If much of the government was too sick to function, then God knows what mischief could happen both domestically and internationally. It goes without saying that House Trump would see any mass death toll among Democrats as an opportunity to consolidate power. And andy similar number of deaths among old MAGA people as…and excuse to consolidate power.
So, before Twitter liberals pop the champagne on Universal Health Care, they might want to reflect that it’s just as likely that Gilead will be founded and, well, it will suck. Or put another way, there’s just as much a chance MAGA wins any political violence caused by the instability of COVID19 and kills us all as there is some sort of fucking liberal utopia being founded.
If the worst happens, it will be a massive tragedy.
We will only give it value after the fact.