by Shelt Garner
When the history of this pandemic is written, there’s likely to be more than one book written about what went wrong in the very moment we’re living in. It has a very “Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US” vibe to it. But this is far, far worse.
It’s as if center-Left states KNEW 9/11 was preventable and were doing something about it, while the center-Right states were lulzing. Because none of this is happening in a vacuum, well, it’s going to suck for all of us. I will admit, however, that this is a very surreal moment for me personally. I hate it when people deny reality, but there a lot A LOT of people around me right now who are doing just that.
All the datapoints are pointing towards a pretty dramatic event vis-a-vis COVID19 within the next two weeks (by The Ides of March) and, yet, a lot of people think its coverage is just a “liberal media hoax to make Trump look bad.”
Because we aren’t testing very many people, we still don’t have much of a metric that might help us mitigate the spread of COVID19. It’s because of this that we’re going to soon be past mitigation and into triage. We’re going to have to start thinking about what we can save in the near term. It’s unlikely that the economy is going to be saved when the boil is finally lanced and we realize we’re in a real-life horror movie.
I would like to note, however, that all of this could have been avoided. Yes, there’s a chance that if we did “too good” a job, our leaders would look like idiots, just like Ford and swine flu, but at least lives would have been proactively saved.
Another thing — we have to prepare ourselves for The Gray Plague. It’s very possible that a lot, and I mean A LOT, of well known old people are going to drop in the next year. It could be astonishing how many elderly people die between now and when this rolling crisis is finally wrapped up. And, remember a lot of POWERFUL PEOPLE ARE OLD.
So, lulz.
I feel like even if I’m “vindicated,” it’s going to be such a tragedy that I’m not going to feel all that happy about it.