Threat Assessment For March 2: Our Dumb Century #COVID19 #CoronaVirus

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelt Garner

Before BuzzFeed calls me a “dangerous charlatan,” or some such, let me state I have no idea what I’m talking about and if you listen to me you have only yourself to blame. I just like to write and I’m interested COVID19. I was trained a journalist and, as such, it’s an opportunity to flex that part of my mind.

There’s a lot to be hopeful about when it comes to COVID19. I know that Don Jr. thinks that I have some twisted bloodlust and want “the death of millions” so his father’s “winning” will stop, but lulz, fuck that guy. All I want is some form of accountability. That’s it. If you have power, I think you should have to account for any screw ups you might do. What’s going on may be the biggest domestic crisis in American history since the Civil War simple, basic accountability is not a radical concept.

Anyway, in the medium-to-long term, there’s a lot of good news. We may have a vaccine far sooner than we might otherwise hope for. It’s possible that as part of the general ebb and flow of the virus it will subside — but not vanish — from the States. If it follows the Spanish flew, there will be seasonal waves. That will not only get Trump plenty of time to consolidate power and blame everything on Democrats (Flughazi!) but should Corona Virus come back in the fall in, say, October, he can suspend the Constitution and stop the 2020 Election. Lulz!

But there is some bad news. We still aren’t testing very many people — and the Trump Administrator has made a point of censoring how many tests are available — and when we do get around to testing a lot of people it’s a snapshot of the past. We’re seeing what happened two weeks ago with the virus, not what may happen in the future. And this doesn’t even being to address the possibility of The Gray Plague or the WuFlop happening in the United States.

The Gray Plague would be a significant culling of the nation’s elderly punctuation. That might have significance political and social significance going forward. The WuFlop, too, might be a rather big deal if it begins to happen in the United States to any degree. The WuFlop is when otherwise healthy people passout and faceplant. Sometimes, they twitch or “flop.” It’s very unnerving and we’re very unprepared for the general public to see it.

So, in the long term, we’re fine. It’s the short term — say the next 24 to 72 hours — we have to worry about. But it’s possible Trump will AGAIN weasel his way out of any accountability, even if it means a lot of necessary deaths. All that matters is power, greed and being cruel for cruel’s sake.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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