by Shelt Garner
It definitely seems as though the Right isn’t prepare to take the possibility of a pandemic seriously. Much like they think global climate change is a “hoax,” so, too, do they think the “coverage” of the COVID19 by the press is a “hoax” as well. Now, of course, Trump’s enablers are twisting themselves in knots, trying to explain to us that the idiot-in-chief meant “weaponize,” when he said “hoax.” Whatever. he’s still too stupid to be president and should be removed from office immediately for that, if nothing else.
But what’s interesting to me is, what has happened for the Right to take this situation seriously? How many people have to die? Probably if it got bad enough they would either simply lie, or deny or hide any information that really hurt Trump or might cause him to, at last have some sort of concrete political accountability. If that was the case, the only real metric that might give them pause for thought would be if, they, themselves got sick to the extent that they couldn’t show up to work.
That’s it — if they, themselves, were near death because of this “hoax,” then maybe they might at last take it seriously. Then the moment they got well, they would turn around and start screaming at people like me for whatever new reason they might pull out of their butt. They would either simply ignore what just happened, or say if only people like me had supported Trump, things wouldn’t have gotten so bad. Even if there was demonstrable evidence that Trump’s corrupt, incompetence administration is bungling the response to this “hoax,” they would still ignore it. Or, put another way MAGA Republicans are a death cult. They would rather the entire world be a nuclear hellscape than admit that maybe the browning of America and increased sexual agency for women isn’t something to be afraid of. Lulz!
It is interesting some of the wilder rhetorical flourishes of the Right. Mike Huckabee’s “Trump could suck out all the Corona Virus in the world and go to the bottom of the ocean and spit it out and be blamed for polluting the ocean,” comes to mind. That sound very bi-partisan to me, how about to you?
Or, put another way, if America does unite because of COVID19, things will have to get far worse than any of us could possibly imagine at this point. And, for the time being, I have no reason to think that will happen. Trump will again escape accountability, Don Jr. becomes the Crown Prince of the Fourth Reich and I die in an ICE camp. Lulz!
Anyway. We’ll see, I guess. The media’s concern over this issue is a hysterical “hoax,” meant to hurt Trump politically. (Ugh.)