by Shelt Garner
As we entered February, House Trump was riding high. The impeachment “hoax” was defeated and Emperor Trump I was well on his way to consolidating his power over fading Republic. The Fourth Reich was now in its crib after a turbulent birth.
Flash forward to March and the Fourth Reich’s future appears a little less assured. We now find ourselves waiting for the first round of tests for the Corona Virus from across the country. In previous situations, House Trump has always, always, ALWAYS won. They did whatever mindfucking necessary to win. Have Rudy confess to it on TV. Anything. Anything to win. And it has worked.
But now we have a situation that is difficult to use the Stormy Daniels Playbook on. Not even Roy Cohen would be able to tell the wind to stop blowing or the sea to not rise. And, as such, it’s possible that within a few hours, the first Emperor of Trumplandia may soon be seen for who he is: just a hack reality TV star Right-wing Twitter troll who was incredibly lucky because of systemic problems in the American political system.
And, yet, in a way, for the moment Trump is both the God Emperor of Trumplandia and merely a very stupid — if lucky — mortal. What happens in the next, say, 48 hours, will decide his fate. Trump has been screaming at people like me about how much he hates me for about four years now. And, now, he and the doofus Crown Prince believe the press coverage of an impending pandemic in the United States is a “hoax.” What’s more the Crown Prince, seeing his own prospects as God Emperor Trump II possibly beginning to fade, is lashing out, saying “Democrats want millions to die.”
In the past, House Trump has always escaped at this point in the crisis. Always. They have ALWAYS WON. As Putin is known to say, “All that matters is you’re still in power when the sun sets.” So, for House Trump, it’s always been about power for power’s sake, greed for greed’s sake and cruelty for cruelty’s sake. It’s very possible that House Trump will live to fight again.
And yet.
Given what we know to have happened in a series of other nations starting with China, there’s a decent chance this might not be the case. Or, if it is, they’re going to have to start cracking some heads to stay in power. I don’t want anyone to die or get hurt and I’m not really all that thrilled at the prospect of the country I love, the United States of America, going into the biggest domestic crisis since the Civil War effectively without a president. I want America to win 3WW and, by extension, Trump. And, yet, there’s a problem — Trump, is, himself, a national security problem.
The god emperor had no clothes, if you will. So on one hand, I am rooting for Trump to at least not go completely fucking insane so he doesn’t nuke the entire world to hell, but on the other hand, it would definitely be beneficial if somehow we, as a nation, summoned the political will to either do a snap impeach-and-convict or invoked the 25th Amendment against Trump’s will.
For the moment, we have the political will to do neither. And if things get so bad as to actually give us the will to do either of those things, you know pretty much the End Times have come to the United States. I don’t want that. If Trump escapes AGAIN and the Fourth Reich is able to grow to adult hood and throw me in a Trump Re-Education ICE Camp, then, well, so be it. I’d rather go alone against ICE than the entire nation be brought to its knees because of COVID19. So, in that sense, I’m definitely NOT “rooting” for “millions to die.” (Fuck Don Jr, by the way.)
As an aside, much of the bitching and moaning coming from House Trump is due in large part to them knowing what THEY would do if it was a Democratic president who was facing this situation. As shown from the Ebola Crisis during the Obama Administration, House Trump really would root for millions of people to die if it meant they could take and keep power easier. This is demonstrably true, so if you think I have “Trump Deranged Disorder” please eat shit, you fucking fascist asshole. Yeah, *YOU*, PERSONALLY.
One thing to keep an eye on if you want to get a sense of the prospects of House Trump is what its enablers say over the next few days. If the usual MAGA apologists oddly begin to sound a bit more human, as if their immortal soul might have return to their bodies, then, well, that’s a real danger sign. Things would have to get Biblical for, say, Hugh Hewitt to say, yes, maybe House Trump is NOT the only thing standing between America and the chaos of scary brown people and women with sexual agency.
All we can do now is wait. Wait for not only the test results but what the reaction to them may be on the public. If they’re not so bad, that’s great. Trump can crow about how it really was a “liberal hoax,” and I can go back to developing my novel. If they’re as bad as I suspect, well, buckle up. Things may get rather bumpy for not only House Trump, but everyone else in the United States.
Shelt Garner may be reached at migukin (at) gmail (dot) com.