By Shelt Garner
Why did Bob Iger leave Disney so abruptly? I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory to say he may have known through his network of Masters Of The Universe that there was a really good possibility that Disney as he knew it for 15 years was a Dead Man Walking.
I’ll leave it to the folks at CNBC to do the fundamentals, but a back of the envelope projection of Disney’s profits for the rest of the year look like this:
Nothing. The moment someone does the WuFlop at a Disney property anywhere in the world and it’s recorded, well, that’s it. Disney will have to survive off of Disney+ subscriptions for about a year. And I seriously doubt that will be enough to prevent some serious pain at the House The Mouse Built. No new TV or movie production. No one will go to Disney Land or Disney World. But everyone in their house with a lot of free time will use their Disney+ subscription like crazy.
So, I guess, what may have happened was Iger wanted to quit at the top, rather than have his potential legacy destroyed by having to complete re-imagine Disney from the ground up to accommodate the mainstreaming of “Immersive Media” over the next 18 months.
But the above is just wild speculation on my part. A bit of financial “infotainment,” if you will. Don’t use it to make any financal decisions, for Christ’s sake. I’m nothing more than Brian Fellows, writing in an obscure portion of an unimportant part of the Internet.