I occasionally get in moods where I need to express myself in verse. I know nothing about music, but I am a reasonably good writer. So, using what little I know about the structure of pop lyrics, here’s a rough sketch of a pandemic-themed pop-song. It’s barely a rough draft. But it makes me feel better to write it. I see this as a Billie Eilish-type jam.
All Will Be Remembered
lyrics by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you produce or perform
we saw the world
in shades of blue and red
shout at each other in our minds
as the storm clouds began to rise
in the east but we gave it no mind
we blamed each other as it rushed our way
not caring we were all in its way
heroes would be made
cowards would be shamed
all would be remembered
all would be remembered
remembered, remembered, remembered
for what they did
in the vortex
a crack of thunder and it began
people began to flee from this world
head into the next
the headwinds of fate
crashed against our faces
we realized to secure in place
in the vortex
heroes are made
cowards are shamed
all are remembered
all are remembered
remembered, remembered, remembered
for what they did
in the vortex
in the vortex
in the vortex
all was calm
for so long
we felt we had it all
but now we
see it was all gall
in the vortex
heroes were made
cowards were shamed
all were remembered
all were remembered
remembered, remembered, remembered
for what they did
in the vortex
in the vortex
in the vortex
in the vortex
in the vortex
in the vortex