by Shelt Garner
When I was living in Seoul, I tried to save my favorite bar one memorable night. I didn’t think about it. I saw it as on fire a raced to the scene. And now one Donald J. Trump has a fire of his own — one quickly consuming the whole world — and we’re learning what is natural inclination is when he and he alone has to make a decision.
And, guess what!
As expected, his national inclination is to lie, dishimble, prevaricate and, most of all be as cruel and greedy as possible. And, so, while COVID19 may not turnout to be nearly as bad as we fear, we pretty much know who the president is right now – a creedy, immoral, liar. We already knew that, of course, but it’s a bit jarring to seeing confirmed so blatantly.
But that’s where we are. The Trump Administration is pretty much putting all its chips on the idea that lulz, but you’re still making money, right? So, if the economy global economy locks up because of a pandemic they can….blame liberals? Declare Martial Law, suspend the Constitution and not have an election so Trump can finally name himself God King for Life? I wish these were just my personal rantings not very connected to reality, but have you looked at MAGA recently? They sure do look like they believe Trump is within his rights to do just that.
That we could very well go the Handmaid’s Tale route and not Age Of Liberal Progressive Aquarius is why this pandemic could be a high risk – high reward proposition. The risk is revolution, counter revolution and civil war. Throw in the possibility of a limited nuclear exchange with the DPRK, well, lulz? And the fate of the United States — and the world, sad to say — rests of a barely functioning man-child who is president because a bunch of aging white people hate the browning of America and Russia tipped the scales for good measure.
In a sense, that Trump is POTUS is, in itself, a worst case scenario. He simply incapable of showing any leadership or rising to the occasion. He is a historically bad POTUS now faced with a historically enormous crisis. If we make it, it’ll be because of luck and the hard work of every day people willing to show the type of leadership that Trump, sadly, won’t or cant.