I Owe Zendaya An Apology About Her Ability To Portray My Novel’s Heroine In Any Movie Adaptation

Shelton Bumgarner

Sorry about that, babe.

Men, The #WritingLife & Their Struggle To Write Believable Heroines

Shelton Bumgarner

Some thoughts.

V-Log: #Megxit As An Existential ‘Constitutional Crisis’ For The British Royal Family

Shelton Bumgarner

An observation.

The Real Reason Why Evangelicals Support Trump

An observation

Harry Windsor & Meghan Markle As Modern Day John & Yoko

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelt Garner

It has occurred to me that Harry Windsor and Meghan Markle should announce their new life in New York City by having a Bed In. Harry Windsor should get a picture taken of him replicating John Lennon’s iconic rooftop shot of him with a “New York City” shirt on.

The couple should decide to have minimal security and simply walk around New York City like “normal” people. They should start speaking out against Trump. Right now, I don’t even know what Harry Windsor sounds like.

Or, really, if they REALLY wanted rock the world — post an Instagram photo of Harry Windsor naked next to Meghan Markle like the iconic shot of John doing this to Yoko Ono that was on the cover of Rolling Stone soon after his death.

History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, But It Does Rhyme

Some thoughts.

My Novel’s Structure Is Growing More Mature

Shelton Bumgarner

Some thoughts.

V-Log: ‘A Milestone, Of Sorts’

Shelton Bumgarner

Some thoughts.

V-Log — Developing & #Writing An ‘Apocalypse Now’ For The Trump Era

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelt Garner

In these two rambling videos, I talk about both the novel I’m writing and how fucked we are when it comes to Trumplandia. May God have mercy on our collective souls.

Dr. Toxoplasmosis, Or How I Learn To Stop Worrying And Love Cyberwar

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelt Garner

I hate violence, suggested or otherwise. I think I have that parasite found in cat pee that makes you nicer. I’m a man of peace, of ideas. And, as such, as our doofus president seems hellbent on blowing us all up, I would gently suggest to the Iranian government NOT to blow up anything in revenge. Do something a lot less bloody — hack into TrumpOrg.

It’s a way to square the circle. All they have to do, really, is release Trump’s taxes and the rest takes care of itself. They will have “won” the war against the United States without hurting anyone. They can sit back and watch the United States eat its tail as MAGA lulzes a million pages of proof that Trump’s a criminal and everyone else freaks the fuck out.

No one needs to die.

No one listens to me, though.