by Shelton Bumgarner
I’m quite pleased with how things are going right now. I would note that what started off as some heavy petting over wanting to tell a great story has turned into a family of five that I have to provide for on a daily basis. Writing a novel has completely consumed my entire life.
This has happened in large part because I know I have a very specific set of circumstances occurring in my life I have to exploit as quickly and as fully as possible. Some of the obsession comes, too, from having a brutal self-editor who has very extreme demands as to what has to be done with the novel before the second draft is finished and I feel comfortable showing it to people.
And, really, in real terms I’m still at the beginning of the process. I have to finish the first draft first. That’s the first big milestone. Once I have that locked down, then I have even more work ahead of me. At this point, the issue is how long, exactly, is it going to take me to do all the hard work necessary to be where I want to be with development when I buckle down and start writing the second draft.
But in real terms, I just have to enjoy what I have right now. I can’t help that I like to talk and I have no friends. That’s just who I am. Anyway. We’ll see.