by Shelton Bumgarner
I love the Beeb. Anything I write here is more idle musing about an old friend than any spitefulness on my part. And, I’m an American, so lulz. But it does seem as though maybe, just maybe the British need to think about completely overhauling their media landscape.
Great Britain is a modern industrial nation with a strong civil society and maybe…it’s time for it to modernize its media? I only even suggest this because the BBC doesn’t seem to make much sense to me. Why not break it up and privatize it? Seems like there’s a huge amount of unlocked potential in ending the dominance of the BBC.
After a bit of chaos, there would probably be three or four private terrestrial channels. And it seems to me that breaking up BBC Radio might be a net-positive.
And, yet, such a radical plan would likely have to happen in conjunction with far broader changes in British society. So, for the time being, I think the BBC is safe and that’s the way it should be. Any problems they have right now say more about the polarization associated with Brexit than anything the BBC is actually doing wrong.