by Shelton Bumgarner
Let’s go through how Republicans are messaging impeachment right now, shall we? As you read this, remember that Republicans have one goal and one goal only — keep Trump in power so he can rig the election in 2020. That’s it. That’s their only goal. That’s all they need to have happened for it to be a win. They are completely devoid of any shame and crave power for power’s sake. The no longer believe in liberal democracy and everything is wrapped up in the cult of personality wrapped around Trump.

It seems as though the current Big Lie is that Schiff somehow was in cahoots Orange Crush. This is demonstrably inaccurate, at least from what I can tell right now. This is also mixed in with the suggestion that Orange Crush has some sort of nefarious “agenda.” While this is likely to be extremely effective with the mouth breathing MAGA base, it works solely to “own the moment” on Twitter and deflect from the fact that White House, itself, released documentation confirming what was in the complaint.
Also, not one, but TWO major presidential scandals were caused by people who weren’t exactly without an agenda. Mark Felt was Deep Throat because he was mad he got passed over to head the FBI. Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg literally conspired with Matt Drudge to setup Bill Clinton and he still got impeached.
Next, we have the “don’t fuck with us” strategy of Republican messaging. This involves throwing around the type of bonkers Trump rhetoric in an effort to raise the stakes so high that it grows to be so dangerous that nothing happens. The only problem with this is there’s at least a chance that one, someone gets murdered, too, it only causes the other side to grow more radicalized. Instead of intimidating Democrats into backing down, you cause the creation of a Radical Resistance.
Throw into this the very serious possibility that the Trump Train is now the Crazy Train and Republicans have a problem. As of this moment, if you accept that all they have to do is keep Trump in power through Nov. 2020 to win, then, in a sense, they have a 50/50 shot. But if you throw in the “known unknown” of how completely bonkers Trump may grow over the coming days, then those chances don’t really go down, but the risks definitely increase significantly in ways that are not easy to calculate.