by Shelton Bumgarner
It’s established history that Linda Tripp and Lucian Goldberg conspired with Matt Drudge to bring down then President Bill Clinton. So, when Sen. Lindsey Graham claims that there might be an “agenda” behind the Orange Crush situation, it’s extremely hypocritical.
Now, I’m not suggesting that if there any sort of “agenda” behind what’s going on, that the drive to impeachment won’t come to a grinding halt. In fact, it probably will. But it is noteworthy that Graham is so ready to completely ignore what Trump is up to if Orange Crush isn’t as pure as Caesar’s Wife.
Remember, Republicans have no shame and they crave power for power’s sake. So as long as Trump is in power and free to abuse power to rig the 2020 election, it’s a win for them. The cult of personality surrounding Trump is so absolute on a political level that I am beginning to question what, exactly, is stopping them from killing people. I have no honest metric that would indicate they won’t in the end do just that.
Anyway, this is the new normal. We’re careening towards so sort of endgame. More likely than not, this is the final death rattle of America I’ve known it my entire life. I’m likely to die in an ICE camp as just another one of the “disappeared.”