by Shelton Bumgarner
I would suggest that we’ve reached the second gravest political moment in our nation’s history since its founding. The other political moment was the days after the election of Abraham Lincoln. All of the other major existential threats involved war of some sort.
What’s even more trouble about this is things are moving so fast that not everyone realizes what’s going on. Even Donald Trump hasn’t really freaked out the way he will once it sinks in he may, in fact, lose the presidency. And what’s more, there’s always a chance somehow this is all a setup for a purge of the government in a rather spectacular fashion. The only reason why I struggle to think this is us being historically punked is Orange Crush’s complaint has been backed up by the Trump Administration itself.
But there are some very serious political things going on as we speak. One is the Trump Administration is not acting like any of this is bad. They are lulzing all of this to such an extent that I can honestly say the only reason why I doubt they will effect a traditional coup is they are both extremely incompetent and the military simply would not follow an illegal order. Now, I could see Trump riling up the MAGA base to such an extent that whatever civil disorder THEY do is used as excuse to turn Blue State governments into military districts and purge Congress of Democrats. More likely Trump surviving impeachment would, in itself, be the setup to turning the United States into a Putin-style “managed democracy.”
The embarrassing thing about all of this at its heart is it all happened in public and over the course of several years. Trump’s corruption of the American political system is systemic and existential.
Removing Trump from off would only be a stopgap solution to our political problems. But it must be done. What happens after that is up to us to decide.