by Shelton Bumgarner
I don’t often get this angry over Trump, but the idea that Trump’s going to use the Mueller playbook with the complaint against him is making me pop a gasket.
The House Trump media game plan:
The transcript of Trump’s call is a dud. The network talking heads say the “optics” of the transcript are bad for Democrats. Meanwhile, a heavily redacted complaint is also released. This, too, is seen by Chris Cillizza and his ilk that Nancy Pelosi made a strategic mistake. All the energy for impeachment fizzles. By Friday evening, Trump, realizing he’s escaped yet AGAIN calls up Putin and directly asks him to hack into our election. He’s learned how to cover his tracks better and that, as they say, is that.
I have every reason to believe this is going to work. Why else would they suddenly change strategies so abruptly? Impeachment is a game of retail politics on a massive scale. Once the talking heads of cable news believe the “poor optics” of the House Trump’s limited hangout is gaining traction, then we have Mueller’s testimony to Congress all over again.
All I can assume is House Trump is nervous about how quickly things are moving and they believe if they managed the release of information properly it’ll all go away. That Trump himself is a brazen, lawless moron is none of their concern. Their goal is to get him pardoned AGAIN in the court of public opinion. If they can stumble into about May 2020, Trump is free to do whatever the fuck he wants. He is completely immune politically do any criminal act. He will be totally above the law.
After that, Trump has sex with Ivanka on FOX News while eating a live baby. Senate Republicans will say we should wait until November for the “people to decide” what should happen to Trump.
All I can say is, if we want to keep America a liberal democracy, we’re going to have to act like it. We’re going to have to pressure the Nancy Pelosi even MORE. We’re going to have to demand that Trump follows the law as written and sends the entire, unredacted complaint to Congress. The complaint isn’t supposed to be released to the public, it’s supposed to be send to Congress.
Trump’s admitted an impeachable offense on TV! At a minimum, the House should begin using its “inherent contempt” powers immediately. Like, Wednesday afternoon. You start jailing and fining people in the Trump Administration until someone, somewhere begins to think maybe America is a rule of laws and that the Constitution means something to someone.
Trump thinks HE is at political war, so maybe we should too. Throw a Molotov Cocktail into the workings of Congress. Nothing happens, period, until the Trump Administration stops acting like it’s above the law. I would also suggest you enlist Jon Stewart to help the cause, but that’s just me.
This is serious.
But I guess it’s Chris Cillizza world, we just live in it.