Just venting a little bit in verse. I guess if actually wanted any of these lyrics to be produced I’d at least learn how to play guitar, huh.
Once The Dust Settles
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
Please give credit if you record or produce
the world has come to an end
don’t how we’ll begin again
twirl me around and we’ll see
will anyone care about our deeds?
we light fire to the wind
hoping to stop it cold
will we still be so bold
once the dust settles
once the dust settles
once the dust settles
I’m not one to judge
we all have our thing
some of us cry for help
while others sulk silently in the dark
will it even matter
once the dust settles
once the dust settles
once the dust settles
never you mind
it’s all up in the air
people will still shout
if even on a dare
once the dust settles
once the dust settles
once the dust settles