by Shelton Bumgarner
Tay-Tay, we love you, ok?
Taylor Swift’s latest single, “You Need To Calm Down” is the lyrical equivalent of her puting some random Twitter troll with a few followers on blast. It is a deeply weird song.
She explicitly responds to some pretty dumb criticism against her…I think?..from some of the darker corners of the Internet. Musicians are notorious for running around naked on an emotional level in their music and this latest single from Swift is a prime example of that behavior.
It’s almost as if she, like, uh…needs a hug?
So, the song is a response to some gay haters who think she’s….what? Not gay friendly enough? (In hindsight, I think I may have misinterpreted the meaning of the song. I took the lyric “casing shade doesn’t make you any less gay” to mean she was telling her gay critics to cool it. But the lyric is probably meant to be more about homophobes who are generally assholes. )The deeply weird thing about the song is if she’s responding to one specific person on Twitter that got into her craw.
I simply have no explanation for how this song got produced in its current form. Generally, the idea for pop songs is to be timeless and universal and use subtext. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are pretty good at this.
But Swift has a history of writing songs about and or directed at one specific person. Usually, in the past, it’s been boyfriends. This song, though, whoa buddy. I don’t get it. Weird, man, weird.
I think it’s safe to say that Swift is an extremely — EXTREMELY — sensitive person. She still needs to go rock in my opinion, though. But I think that says more about my craving for main stream rock music more than anything else.
Anyway, I generally like Swift’s latest stuff. I just wish she would chill out a little bit and have a little bit more self-confidence. We love you, ok? We really do.