‘Baby Making Music’ — #Lyrics To An Ode To Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper’s Romance

Baby Making Music
Lyrics By Shelton Bumgarner
Please give credit if you produce or perform

We all see you two
Doing your thing
In public with no shame
Now you both broke up
With your boo
What else are you going to do
But put on

Baby making music
Baby making music
Baby making music

I don’t care
If if it’s Marvin or Luthor or Prince
We all know what’s on your mind
You need to stop your frontin
And start with your groovin

What else are you going to do
But put on

Baby making music
Baby making music
Baby making music

We all know you will deny
That you both sigh with the other around
But we’re not dumb
You’re in love it’s true
So make a baby, won’t you

In the end a baby needs to be made
So we can all go back to your bread
And curse it as we always do

But for you not to link eyes and turn down the shades
Is to deny what we all know is true
You want to knock it in the night
With only the mood as a witness

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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