V-Log: The State Of The #Thriller I’m Developing As Of Feb. 6 — Addressing Identity Politics In Pop Art

by Shelton Bumgarner

Some thoughts.

V-Log: How To Fix The Star Wars Franchise

by Shelton Bumgarner

In this video I spend an hour talking about how fucked up the Star Wars franchise is and how I, personally, would fix it. It involves Bubba Fett, Ray in carbonite and and using an obscure existing character as the new Hero.

V-Log — Star Wars, Kevin Smith & Identity Politics’ Destruction Of Storytelling

by Shelton Bumgarner

Some thoughts.

V-Log: The State Of The #Novel I’m Developing As Of Feb. 3rd

by Shelton Bumgarner

Some (interesting) thoughts.

V-Log: My #Thriller #Novel’s ‘High Concept’ & Ranting About ‘Blue Check’ Twitter Liberals

by Shelton Bumgarner

Some interesting thoughts.

V-Log: Holy Shit — Vague Talk Of A Major #Novel Breakthrough #Amwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

I had a major breakthrough in developing the novel tonight.