by Shelton Bumgarner
The thing about The Girl With…series of books is the two main characters aren’t really all that romantically involved. They kinda are, but that’s kind of besides the point.
So I find myself thinking about that as I structure the novel I’m writing. Yes, I’m being rather vague, but meh. This is more about writing out an internal monologue more than anything else.
I find myself really leaning into what I remember of the structure of The Girl With books because the firsts one was done as a first novel and as such gives me a framing device for my own efforts.
The thing about the novel I’m developing now is it’s just a character driven story. The concept isn’t really that “high.” It’s just an interesting story involving interesting people put in an interesting situation. I’m really leaning into what I “know” as I write and that helps speed the process up a great deal.
Hence, I think I’ve come up with a decent story. I’m pleased. Really, as I keep saying, at this point it’s more about simply putting in the hard work of actually developing and writing the novel than anything else.