This is my attempt to tell the story of the 2016 presidential campaign in verse. It’s very casual and very rough draft, but the song titles came fairly easily and it’s a rock opera, not a musical like Hamilton. But if you’re interested, I’d love to flesh this concept out with someone who, like, knows music and stuff. I’m sure someone out there is going to do exactly what I’m attempting but they’ll actually have the know-how to do it right.
Most of this is really, really bad. But I see this is just a rough draft. I wish someone would help me actually do something with this.
This first one is meant to set up the character. Again, this is barely a first draft. But I have some time on my hands and it seems the 2016 does lend itself to a rock opera of some sort. I just wish I could find someone who knew music to help me.
Donald J. Trump
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
a ‘small loan” from my dad
and I was ready to bet
been on your set since before Lennon’s death
I’m the man of your dreams don’t you fret
they call me The Donald
got my name on everything under the sun
they call me The Donald
I’ll sell you an invisible bridge
’cause I’m The Donald
The Donald
The Donald
I’m not going away
you’re going to respect me
others come and go
I’m here to stay
people claim to know me
want to scold me for being a fool
they’re just losers ’cause I rule
drool all you like you
I’m ready to hit a home run
bold is my style
when I’m not breaking my bank
dreams are meant to come true
so what am I to do
but throw down the gauntlet
proclaim myself the best to lead
this great nation
into the darkness
we’re going to make America great again
by tearing it down
with an exclamation
they call me The Donald
I’ll sell you an invisible bridge
’cause I’m The Donald
The Donald
The Donald
in my heart
it’s very dark
I used to be in on the joke
now that’s all up in smoke
I’ve always got a plan
making money is what I do
though I lose it just as quick
but it’s other people’s money
and I’m a big dick
they call me The Donald
I’ll sell you an invisible bridge
’cause I’m The Donald
The Donald
The Donald
This one is meant to explain the origins of Trump’s run for office. As I understand it, Trump legend has it that him being picked on at the White House Correspondence Dinner made him so mad he wanted to run for president. (Thanks Seth Meyers.)
They’ll Laugh At You
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
don’t run for president
don’t you dare
they’ll think you’re a joke
you’ll end up a punchline
the whole country will laugh and laugh
making you regret your act
they’ll laugh at you
they’ll laugh at you
I’m telling you straight
they’ll laugh at you
they’ll laugh at you
they’ll laugh at you
Meyers and his ilk
up at the podium smirk and mug
hoping you’ll get up and run
you have to sit there and take it
even though you’ve got the goods on Obama
know for a fact his Mamma knows the truth
he was born in Kenya and a Muslim to boot
they’re all laughing at you
they’re all laughing at you
they’re all laughing at you
now’s your chance
to turn their laughter upside down
make a run for it
a run for the summit
they’ll put you on Rushmore soon enough
once you get into the Electoral College
you’ll lance the boil
of a father who was way too cold
they’ll laugh at you
I’m telling you straight
they’ll laugh at you
they’ll laugh at you
they’ll laugh at you
in all seriousness
you’ve got to get going
time is not on your side
you’re not getting any younger
if you don’t move fast
they’ll laugh at you
so now we’re ready to go
you’re going to explode
popularity is your thing
the people will sing your name
not a dry eye in the scene
This is meant to be when Trump opens his campaign and rants about Mexicans.
Sending Their Worst
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
they’re a crisis on the border I tell you
rushing across into our nation
rapists and murders escaping justice
don’t know when it’s going to end
the losers in Washington can’t get it done
so I’m going to build a wall
to keep out the worst
they’re sending their worst
dark and dangerous
that’s who they are
they’re sending their worst
they’re sending their worst
they’re sending their worst
taking your jobs
leaving you on the curb
coming after all you hold dear
you have so much to fear
I’m the only one who can keep it clear
let me lob another attack
with me in charge things will change
law and order will be back
all your fears will be eased
you’ll have a job ’cause of me
they’re sending their worst
dark and dangerous
that’s who they are
they’re sending their worst
they’re sending their worst
they’re sending their worst
It’s all a lie
I know the truth
but I’ll make some money
be a star the way I want
all my dreams will come true
I’ll laugh and laugh
so give me your vote
we’ll drain the swamp
we’ll at last be on top
with me in charge we’ll stop them from
sending their worst
sending their worst
sending their worst
With this one, I just like the idea of talking about the conspiracy that Trump’s camp was involved in throughout the campaign.
Get Me Roger Stone
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
he’s the man to get the job done
we’ve got a shot of winning this
won’t run from my fate
there’s just one man I know
who can get us across the finish line first
get my Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
get him on the line
he’s got the dark arts down pat
we’re in it to win it
for that we need Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
I’m not going to lie
he’s my kind of guy
always up to dirty tricks
the type that gets your opponent licked
he’s a go-to guy for Russian spies
when this all ends he’ll have a grin
Roger Stone and I go way back
far into the darkness that you can’t see
but together our future is bright
we’ll be ruling the roost with all our might
just need a little bit of his juice
the type to give us a boost
get me Roger Stone
get him on the line
he’s got the dark arts down pat
we’re in it to win it
for that we need Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
get me Roger Stone
Roger will rush the Russians
no one has to know
might not even work
but what’s wrong with a little flirting
with an enemy of the state
if we win on the right date
Roger can get it done
I’m expecting my phone to ring
with him on the other side
ready to sing
This one is about the shenanigans at Trump Tower.
Take A Meeting
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
I love it
especially later in the summer
I love it
especially later in the summer
daddy’s always been good to me
gave me power over the company
as the election approaches
ready to make my name
going to meet “about adoptions”
if you know what I mean
love to take a meeting
later in the summer
I love it
especially later in the summer
I love it
especially later in the summer
love to take a meeting
love to take a meeting
love to take a meeting
no one will ever know
that adoptions are just for show
we’re here to connive
on the sly
with the Russians to get a leg up
with dirt they release
maybe we’ll be able to drive a stake
into Hillary Clinton’s campaign
by the end of the summer we’ll be on a path
to 300 electoral votes
dad will be so proud
finally give me the love I desire
won’t just be another son for hire
I love it
especially later in the summer
I love it
especially later in the summer
love to take a meeting
love to take a meeting
love to take a meeting
who am I kidding
why do I even try
I could hand the presidency on a platter
to old man
he’d just wink and nod
you never can tell
try not to dwell
my old man could win just yet
all our problems will be solved
I call your bet
This one is meant to be a dance pop song about Trump’s dumb campaign slogan.
Build That Wall
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
they’re sending their worst I tell you
it’s time we do something about it
I’m not going to rest
until we have a way to make your wish come true
it’s a white elephant
obvious to anyone who can see
but it’s not my money
what does it matter to me
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
we’re all going to live in a prison
one of our own making
but we’ll all be so proud once we’re in it
something there is that loves a wall
at least with my voters I know so well
it’s a white elephant
obvious to anyone who can see
but it’s not my money
what does it matter to me
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
never expect to win
but I’m riding the tiger
where it stops no one knows
if it’s at the White House
well, so it goes
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
have Mexico pay for it
build that wall
Another song about Trump’s dumb campaign slogans.
Lock Her Up
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
she’s got so many emails
floating out there I believe
Russia if you’re listening
send them out
all I gotta say is
lock her up
lock her up
she’s broken the law
lock her up
if I’d one half the stuff she’d done
I’d be in jail
lock her up
lock her up
lock her up
here I am a man of the people
hoping you’ll listen to me
all the ships at sea can you hear me
when push comes to shove
I think you’ll agree
it’s time to
locker her up
we’re all citizens of the republic
but she’s above us all
’cause she’s got the gall
I’m ready to call a vote
if you’ll just shout
lock her up
she’s broken the law
lock her up
if I’d one half the stuff she’d done
I’d be in jail
lock her up
lock her up
lock her up
let me go
keep me free
I may have broken the law
colluding with a foreign power
but no one has to know
until I win
when this is all over
and I’ve lost
I’ll have so much to shout about
making money hand over first
without a doubt
This another song about a frequent retort during the 2016 campaign.
But Her Emails
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
people gather round and listen to me
I’ve got a voice and things to say
I may be a liar for all to see
but at least I don’t have emails
weighing on top of me
but her emails
is all I gotta say
but her emails
we’re just getting started
but her emails
but her emails
but her emails
no matter what I say or do
people know in their heart what I’ll do
those emails are more important than my lies
it shows Clinton’s a crook
gotta vote for The Donald
yes you do
I’ll bring bring back the jobs
what else can you do
I’m in the clear
let me tell you
we’re all going to win the lottery
once I’m in power
we’ll finally get a chance to lock her up
but her emails
is all I gotta say
but her emails
we’re just getting started
but her emails
but her emails
but her emails
never use email
no not once
all I do is tweet out my crimes
knowing no one will give a fuck
when this is over
and it will be soon
I’ll be raking in the dough
basking in the sun
This one is about the Access Hollywood tape.
Grab Them By The Pussy
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
I can’t help myself
I gotta step out (of bounds)
gotta grab and strut
show ’em that I’m tough
put a tick-tack in my mouth
after that it’s a black out
grab them by the pussy
is my thing
grab them by the pussy
will make me a man
grab them by the pussy
grab them by the pussy
grab them by the pussy
people look at see
what I say in private
get mad at me
why would do they that I ask
it was obviously just a joke
it was a crass piece of gas
but I’m no loser
never been one that’s just not me
going to say I’m sorry
hope this will all go away
so I can be the winner in the end
grab them by the pussy
is my thing
grab them by the pussy
will make me a man
grab them by the pussy
grab them by the pussy
grab them by the pussy
what am I going to do
they’re on to me
maybe I’m really going to lose
but that’s the plan all along
you know, don’t you?
in the end
you just don’t know
maybe one day people will regret
that they have me another chance
but not this time
this time I’m on top again
This is about the second Comey letter, the one that sank the Clinton campaign for good.
Second Letter
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
you’ve been very bad I must say
we’re going to give your emails a second look
maybe you did something wrong
we don’t know
so we’re going to poke around again
don’t you know
a second letter is here
one to knock you down
a second letter dear
a second letter for you to fear
a second letter
a second letter
a second letter
I think you’re going to win
not to write this letter would be a sin
so here I am hurting you so
but you’re a winner
don’t you know
we’re all going to laugh about this
in the near future I can feel it
people will look back and say
he did the right thing at the time
much to everyone’s dismay
a second letter is here
one to knock you down
a second letter dear
a second letter for you to fear
a second letter
a second letter
a second letter
my conscious is clear
I know I did the right thing
there’s no way you’ll lose
is there
things rushing towards the end
I guess then we’ll know
if I should I have written
that second letter or no
This one is about Trump’s closing argument.
What Have You Got To Lose?
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
the end is neigh
we’re all going to die
so listen to me
as explain my closing offer
what have you got to lose?
I’m not ready to end this debate yet
we’re all going win this tonight I say
why would you worry that I’ll doom us all
when I can say to you with all honesty
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
how could it possibly get worst than now
don’t even know where the president was born
so like me say with a roar I’ll change things
when all is said and done
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
you’ve got everything to lose
I have no idea what I’m doing
just a bozo with a voice
a guy you wouldn’t trust with a dog
here to lead you into the dark
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
what have you got to lose?
This one is about how Trump didn’t expect to win.
Election Night
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
the results are coming in
looks like I’m going to win
what have I done
how am I going to spin this
victory into defeat
election night
here we are
victory is assured
election night
election night
election night
everything is going to change
the Russians will know
how I bent their will
that will be hanging over my head
what am I going to do
what am I going to do
what am I going to do
we’re all in this together
I should feel light as a feather
but things aren’t as they seem
the weight of the world is now on me
when this is over what will I do
how will I explain the nature of
my victory
people won’t understand
that I just wanted to win
they’ll think it’s a sin
a sin, a sin, a sin
election night
here we are
victory is assured
election night
election night
election night
this is not want I expected
did not want this outcome
feel like I’ll soon be on the run
victory is defeat
I will soon meet my fate
what happens next is anyone’s guess
I’ll be president soon
God bless
when January arrives a new life begins
all my lies will come back to haunt me
is all I know
This one would be something of a codex.
Winter For The Donald
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
winter has arrived
the sky in falling I’m afraid
much to my dismay I have to tell the truth
as Mueller’s army rules the roost
what am I going to do
the truth will will out
winter is here
winter is here
winter is here
I’m not prepared to fight the last fight
people better than me have cracked
now it’s up to me to cast out the dark
hopefully find life in the light
it’s not within me to do such a thing
I live within the dark
the light is not my friend
winter’s darkness won’t last forever
winter is here
winter is here
winter is here
spring is coming soon
how will I survive
once the rains arrive
now it’s time to make plans
for when I’m behind bars
once the summer arrives
I could be back in New York
a prisoner of my own making
high up in the tower
I so love
forever remembering what once was