by Shelton Bumgarner
Well, I guess it’s flattering in its own way. I have deleted the first act scene summary because people were obviously interested in it, and not in a good way. Now I have to worry about a movie being made in an extremely hackish fashion from a scene summary that wasn’t even that good compared to the one I’m writing now.
In a sense, I have only my self to blame, but it was inevitable that I would do something like that. I figure I have a limited window of opportunity to develop the novel and write it before (potentially) a movie pops out from what I wrote. I’m full of angst about that, but I have to use it as an incentive to keep going. If people liked that original scene summary that much, then obviously I’m on the right track. I just hope, if nothing else, I can get an “inspired by a concept by Shelton Bumgarner” once I, like, have to sue people for it.