by Shelton Bumgarner
They say if you have a lot of exposition in a story you have to get through, it’s best if something interesting is going on in the background so it’s not boring to the reader or viewer. I find myself with a nice chunk of a scene that really explains a lot about what’s going on in a brief way, but I also find myself struggling a little bit with making the whole thing a little bit more interesting.
So, I think I might rewrite the scene some, but a bit more creative with it. It’s an important enough scene and conveys important enough information that it deserves a better presentation than what it currently has. It shouldn’t be too difficult, I guess, to spice things up some. Really all you need is something odd or interesting happening as you do all this exposition. I’m pretty flexible and fluid when it comes to scenes at this point in the process — there’s a lot of heavy lifting backend stuff I’ve not even begun — so it’s just a matter of putting my mind to it.
I have a few ideas. It’s interesting how you write a scene, think it’s finished, then turn around and