by Shelton Bumgarner
The cruelty of the Trump Administration’s April change in immigration policy and subsequent tactical retreat through an Executive Order seems now to be quickly fading in the minds of the populace. Unfortunately, at last count there are about 2,000 children still in the system who have been torn from their families.
A real chance exists that the complete clusterfuck that is the Trump Administration, the fate of these children will be overtaken by events and they will, simply, fade away. Now that Congressional Republicans feel significantly more at ease. They now can go back to being complicit at best and collaborators at worse.
The stain on our nation’s honor caused by the roughly 2,000 children left in limbo and out of the arms of their families will be just another blotch on America’s good name and the Trump Administrator will grind on. There doesn’t seem to be anything that is going to change this. This is, to say the least, troubling.
But as of right now, that seems to be the fate of these hapless children. Under anything akin to normal circumstances, there would be hearings and even, perhaps, a non-partisan commission establish to fix this problem as quickly as possible. But I don’t have much hope. It seems as though outside of the usual center-Left suspects, there is such systemic rot that in the existing American Constitutional system that effectively nothing will be done by the greater body politic.
It’s very disturbing and unsettling that the fate of basically 2,000 children will effectively fade so much from the public conscious that they will fall into an Orwellian memory hole. Is this who we are now? Is this the United States of America? Have we been so thrown out of sorts by the constant gaslighting on the part of the Trump Administration that we’ll simply move on from all of this in a few days and assume it’s been fixed?
As of this moment I’m afraid that is, in fact, the case. It doesn’t seem as though what should happen — that the fate of these children be seen as an imminent threat to the moral leadership of the United States is going to occur. We’re just going to forget about these kids, re-elect the Vichy Republicans in Congress and eight years from now President James Woods will be talking about the need to expand our Trump branded gulag archipelago.
I hope I’m wrong. I really do.