Just felt inspired. Seems like The New York Times deserves some lyrics that will never be produced.
Trust Us
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
we got your answers
trust us
don’t you fret
we know the truth
trust us
everything is set
just you ignore what you feel
trust us
there’s nothing more to say
forget about this with no delay
we’re always here for you
listening to your concerns
but when push comes to shove
here’s the rub
trust us
trust us
trust us
we’ve got the record
print it every day
we know things you don’t
things that would leave you dismayed
the facts are our thing
we wear it like bling
there all this noise
you think you’ve got it figured out
but trust us
you don’t
we’re all over the place
with our power our grace
just shut up
trust us
trust us
trust us
when it’s all done
and you’re dead
we won’t even mark it
with an asterisk
don’t think any more of it
walk it off
’cause things are just as they seem
at least we’ve decided it’s so
don’t you know
trust us
trust us
trust us
Guvf vf whfg fcrphyngvba, ohg vf vg cbffvoyr Furen Orpuneq arire unq gur nobegvba naq jung rirelbar’f yrneavat vf fur’f tbvat gb unir n xvq naq gurl jnag gb cebgrpg vg? Gung vg’f Oebvql’f naq fur whfg jnagf ure cevinpl?
Fgvyy qbrfa’g rkcynva gur $1.6 zvyyvba cnl bss. Pbura vf nobhg npprff, cher naq fvzcyr. Oebvql unf ab ernfba gb hfr Pbura fvzcyl gb pheel snibe vs gurer’f ab npprff vaibyirq. Oebvql zhfg unir xabja cyragl dhnyvsvrq AQN ynjlref va YN gung ur pbhyq gehfg. Pbura vf n svkre sbe Qbanyq W. Gehzc, abobql ryfr.
Bgure guvatf.
Bapr lbh pnyy ohyyfuvg ba ure pnfhnyyl orvat ersreerq Xrvgu Qnivqfba gura jung ryfr vf fur ylvat nobhg?
Orpuneq vf na npgerff. Crgre X. Fgevf vf ab qhzzl. Ur pbhyq pbnpu ure gb gryy nalbar jub nfxrq rabhtu gb znxr gurz oryvrir gur pbire fgbel.
Ohg ab bar unf rkcynvarq gung $1.6 zvyyvba gb zr. Lbh pna’g. Gung $1.6 zvyyvba cbcf bhg naq fvzcyl gryyvat zr V’z jebat naq gb fuhg hc qbrfa’g phg vg.