Just feel inspired. This would be a slow pop song like “New York I love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down.” No one cares about anything I do, so no harm no foul, right?
My Old Gray Lady
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
no one listen to me
thought my old gray lady was different
for a moment at most
but soon enough I gave up the ghost
my old gray lady
has color at last
she’s no longer mine
even if she gives me some her time
no one listens to me
for a moment I did sing
my old gray lady
she thought I was the best
then just a pest
what she knows she won’t say
just wants me to go away
my old gray lady
she’s here to say
my old gray lady
that you leave with with dismay
no listens to me
what can I say but it’s ok
when we’re ready to bounce
maybe we’ll just feel like louts
then it’s all over don’t you know
’cause life kind of blows
no listens to me
just listen to me wine
but we know everything will be just fine
there’s nothing you can do
if you try you’re just rude
my old gray lady
she’s here to say
my old gray lady
that you leave with with dismay
it’s nothing at all
thought I had the gall
to break the case
but it’s just a disgrace
no listens to me
it’s obvious to thee
that’s the story is true
things can’t get much worse
it’s like it never happened
what are you thinking
go climb a tree
Guvf vf whfg fcrphyngvba, ohg vf vg cbffvoyr Furen Orpuneq arire unq gur nobegvba naq jung rirelbar’f yrneavat vf fur’f tbvat gb unir n xvq naq gurl jnag gb cebgrpg vg? Gung vg’f Oebvql’f naq fur whfg jnagf ure cevinpl?
Fgvyy qbrfa’g rkcynva gur $1.6 zvyyvba cnl bss. Pbura vf nobhg npprff, cher naq fvzcyr. Oebvql unf ab ernfba gb hfr Pbura fvzcyl gb pheel snibe vs gurer’f ab npprff vaibyirq. Oebvql zhfg unir xabja cyragl dhnyvsvrq AQN ynjlref va YN gung ur pbhyq gehfg. Pbura vf n svkre sbe Qbanyq W. Gehzc, abobql ryfr.
Bgure guvatf.
Bapr lbh pnyy ohyyfuvg ba ure pnfhnyyl orvat ersreerq Xrvgu Qnivqfba gura jung ryfr vf fur ylvat nobhg?
Orpuneq vf na npgerff. Crgre X. Fgevf vf ab qhzzl. Ur pbhyq pbnpu ure gb gryy nalbar jub nfxrq rabhtu gb znxr gurz oryvrir gur pbire fgbel.
Ohg ab bar unf rkcynvarq gung $1.6 zvyyvba gb zr. Lbh pna’g. Gung $1.6 zvyyvba cbcf bhg naq fvzcyl gryyvat zr V’z jebat naq gb fuhg hc qbrfa’g phg vg.