‘The Mad King’ #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock Song

This is about Donald Trump being bonkers, but it hopefully is open enough to interpretation that it could get radio play.

The Mad King
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

wake up to the tweeting of the bird
it’s banging inside my head
the world is turning out of whack
when will we realize we’ve woke

the mad king
we’re ruled by
the mad king

now my day has begun
my mind wonders to the bunny’s brick
that’s all part of the mad king’s shtick
we are living in a waking dream
if you know what I mean

when this all over what will we say
will we ever get over the shame
knowing we are to blame
but it’s going to end
just a matter of when

the mad king
we’re ruled by
the mad king

just you wait and see
the sea will part
the brick will march
towards their home on the hill

what’s going down
that’s what making me frown
will even matter
once we know the facts of the matter

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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