by Shelton Bumgarner
It used to be, not many years ago, that you could pretty much talk about whatever you wanted to online and no one would freak out or take it too seriously. But, alas, those days are long, long gone. Now you have to be really careful what you say, no matter how low-trafficked your Website.
I have been using the Web since its inception and I guess that’s where I got the false sense that because of “practical obscurity” I could say whatever I wanted to about anyone and not have to worry about any one taking it the wrong way.
But, ironically, as the Web has grown in size, so, too, it seems as though the weight people give the content you generate on it has increased. So, unless you do it in the “dark Web” where no one of note can find it, you had better be careful what you write about even the largest star. Even if it’s totally innocuous, someone, somewhere could take it the wrong way if you seem a little obsessed with said star.
I’ve kind of gotten out of that phase in my life now, so I’m more concerned about becoming a professional photographer or writing the Great American Novel than I am having a celebrity crush. But it’s just sad that the moment in time where the Web was a free-for-all is long over. People have a hair trigger when it comes to any content that they may find online that seems in any way weird or potentially that worst of all things, “creepy.”
No one trusts anyone anymore, so people freak out at any moment for any reason over anything that doesn’t fit the norm. This is doubly tragic given how often people say “be yourself.” That’s complete bullshit. The last thing anyone should do online is “be yourself.”
Someone is always watching and judging, ready to pounce if you act weird.