‘To Dana Loesch With Love’ — #Lyrics To An Angry Anti-Gun Pop Song

This is supposed to be extremely ironic. The music for this would be similar to To Sir With Love. It would be interrupted occasionally by gunfire. These lyrics did not turn out very well. I think I’m too angry to be poetic.

To Dana Loesch With Love
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

that day of hiding under my desk in fear
has come and gone
but you now say I’m a crisis actor
exploited by the legacy press
looking for blood
all I can say is
to Dana Loesch with love

I watch you on my screen
with a scary scowl on your face
you’re hate personified I’m afraid
you taught me right from wrong
simply by watching you howel

if you told me to go to hell
I’d know it was the place for me
you’re as hateful as they come
if you told me to fuck off
it’d be an honor that’s for sure

the dystopian vision you feed your sheep
is enough to make me vomit
but there’s not enough gold in the world
for me to do as you say you hateful bitch
please shut up and vanish from the earth

if you told me to go to hell
I’d know it was the place for me
you’re as hateful as they come
if you told me to fuck off
it’d be an honor that’s for sure

Dana you shrew
don’t know what I’m going to do
wish you’d just go away
never to be heard from again

now I have to rebuild my life
the pain you have caused me is almost too much to bear
but I’ll get over it, I swear

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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