I’m rather annoyed that there haven’t been any “woke” pop songs about this bizarre era we seem doomed to live for a very long time. So, this is my personal attempt to write one. I like female vocalists a lot, so this is written with any number of the major women singers floating around today in mind. Not that anyone cares. But it is fun to tell a story in verse.
A Last Stand
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
I wake up every day
have to wince at what I see
the powers that be continue to lie
want me to sigh and laugh
walk on past
but that’s not to be
I can’t just do it you see
my heart won’t let me deny
what my eyes and ears tell me
things are so bad
we’re going to have to fight
a last stand is all we got
fight with all our will
a last stand we’ve to make
we’ve got a date with fate
if we don’t have a last stand
we’re doomed to stay on repeat
I here the buzzing in my head
Don the Con is living there I’m afraid
what am I to do
what am I to do
I have to take a last stand
otherwise I’m afraid all is lost
things are so bad
we’re going to have to fight
a last stand is all we got
fight with all our will
a last stand we’ve to make
we’ve got a date with fate
if we don’t have a last stand
we’re doomed to stay on repeat
fight this out
till there’s no dought
fight till daylight
make sure freedom stays free
for you and me
when the end comes
we will know we did our part
to keep the darkness out of our lives
if we keep this in our hearts
I’m afraid all is lost