Some Additional Thoughts About #Writing A #Screenplay In The Age Of #Trump

by Shelton Bumgarner

I continue to cool my heels creatively as I save up for a high-end digital camera and I also continue to work on developing a screenplay about the Trump era. But it’s tough. I really like how collaborative a screenplay is and I see working on a screenplay at all as just the first step towards getting my foot in the door.

But, whatever, this is just a bucketlist kind of thing. I have very low expectations in general. I just want to actually complete a creative project for once.

#Writing A #Screenplay About The #Trump Era Is Tough

by Shelton Bumgarner

As I keep saying, it’s tough to write about Donald Trump in fiction because he’s such a well-defined character — and so innately surreal — that it’s difficult to to represent him, at least for me. I see this screenplay as a stepping off point. I hope to finish something, anything, just to say I’ve done it, then use what I do finish as something I can use to maybe get help on.

I’m a concept guy, not a plot guy but because I have no money, no one will listen to me unless I have something complete that I can show them. So, I have to put in the work. I have to actually do something that people can read and put their hands on instead of daydreaming. That’s tough for me. I have a tendency to bounce around a lot creatively, but I do have the bucketlist objective of having written a screenplay, so I’m trying to do something different for once.

But, anyway, the point is, it’s nearly impossible to write about Trump for me. I can write about the era that he’s created, but not he, specifically, himself. Maybe someone else can help me and do that at some point down the road, but I see my goal with this screenplay just to get something, anything done and then run with it.

The #Screenplay I’m Developing Is Moving Ahead

by Shelton Bumgarner

I continue to creatively cool my heels while I wait to by a professional camera and as I do so, I’m developing a screenplay. The screenplay is supposed to be, at least, prism for the Trump Era. That’s, at least, my goal. I like the idea of what if humanity was forced to do the exact opposite of what it seems to be compelled to do now, which is to reject all forms of global unity.

Anyway, I really need to shut up and write. I’m going to try to do just that this afternoon. I’m going to try to write something, anything that moves the screenplay forward. I have to put in the work. I can’t just dilly-dally and talk about how could it would be to do this, I have to actually, well, do it. That’s the tough part.

But we’ll see, I guess.

Of #Trump, #Art & #Immigration In The Context Of The #Screenplay I’m #Writing

by Shelton Bumgarner

It’s interesting how the more I think about it, the more this screenplay I’m developing is about, in real terms, immigration in the Trump era. Humanity — and specifically the United States — is given the greatest opportunity in human history and the screenplay asks out loud if because of political dysfunction if anyone would be willing or able to take advantage of it.

At least, that’s my vision of the concept. I see my efforts as a stepping off point. If I’m able to finish something, anything, I can pitch it to others who might be able to make it better. I’m sure I’m going about this all wrong, but, then, I never do anything right.

The key is, of course, to simply finish something, anything, instead of screwing around and daydreaming. I have produce “paper” as they call it so I can prove that I’m actually serious about all of this. But the process itself is fun. A lot of fun. And I believe I’ve come up with a really, really unique take on the First Contact cliche. But only time will tell. Maybe I’ll grow bored of this like I have everything else.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

‘Secret Society’ — #Lyrics To An Angry Pop-Rock-Hip Hop song

This song is about how completely delusional Trump supporters are and it seems as though there’s nothing you can say that will get them woke.

Secret Society
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

the first rule of the secret society
is there is no secret society

Trump is a god it’s to you it’s true
I can scream till I’m blue in the face
but I have to deal with your logical disgrace
your girl is willing to shake her rump to Trump
and you lobe your drool my way
but what are we going to do as you toggle the facts
I hate to lump you in with racists
but Trump is a racist it’s a fact
sorry if I have principles that you lack

there’s no secret society
there’s no secret society
no secret that you’re a fool
what am I going to do

you don’t seem to care that I dare you to see
the facts that are as clear as the day
nothing can get you to admit that Trump is not god
you hold the same nation dear that I do
but why is this not as red as the sun
that Trump is a piece of scum
you refuse to admit the shit I know is true
’cause you’re obsessed with a secret society
that doesn’t exist within the government

there’s no secret society
there’s no secret society
no secret that you’re a fool
what am I going to do

wish this wasn’t the case
it would be nice if we could agree
but we can’t agree on the facts
and that’s just sad

now what is all I can say
you tell me I just need to get laid
enjoy the economy
I can get all the humming a man can want
I’ll still be angry as can be
about what I feel Trump is doing to
the nation I love so much

there’s no secret society
there’s no secret society
no secret that you’re a fool
what am I going to do

A Social Media #Startup Using Usenet Concepts Fixes The Twitter Engagement Issue

by Shelton Bumgarner

There is a big flaw with Twitter, and that’s the issue of engagement. The only way to get pretty good engagement with a tweet is to respond in thought provoking way to something someone famous has already tweeted. It’s much more difficult to get high engagement if you’re just some rando tweeting along on your own account. Basing a social media startup on Usenet in the way I envision it would definitely fix that problem, I think.

With Any Creative Endeavor, You Have To Actually Do The Work #Screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

The issue is, if you want to get anything done creatively, you have to put in the work yourself. I got really spoiled living in Seoul and so it has taken me nearly a decade to come to grips with the cold hard fact that no one gives a shit and I have to prove myself. This, despite being middle aged and it nearly impossible to do what I want to do.

V-Log: #Art In The Time Of #Trump #Screenplay #Writing

by Shelton Bumgarner

I am simply not a good enough writer to accurately represent Trump in a screenplay. But maybe that might change once I finish something and then someone who is a better writer might be able to help me. Anyway, I talk about all this in this video. Enjoy.

V-Log: A Really Long, Convoluted Monologue About Female Sexuality

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is what it is. You can like it or not. But it is interesting.

‘The Ballad Of Donald & Stormy’ — #Lyrics To A Woke #Folk #Pop Song

This is just an off-the-cuff attempt to tell a story.

The Ballad Of Donald & Stormy
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

well, these two love birds met up
for a low rent rendezvous
he said hi and she said yes
and before you know their clothes were off
soon enough she was spanking him with his Fortune
while he thought of Ivanka and prayed to God

before you could blink
he was running for president
desperate as can be he gave her his all
at least $130,000 of it
the funny thing about it all is
the men of God meant to protect us
didn’t give a shit
so here we are with Donald as prez
oh dear God

we’re dealing with a disaster
with every single day
so the fact that the president laid a porn star
gets lost in the commotion
but how is it possible that people don’t care
that Donald banged Stormy and he paid her
paid her to stay quiet
what has this world come to
that’s what I want to know

now the only thing I can say
is if we want change
we’re going to have to vote
make the blue wave real
but even then are we all doomed
are we all going to get screwd
just like Stormy got screwed by Donald
I’d like to hope think not
like to think we got more gumption than that
and that’s a fact