by Shelton Bumgarner
As I keep saying, it’s tough to write about Donald Trump in fiction because he’s such a well-defined character — and so innately surreal — that it’s difficult to to represent him, at least for me. I see this screenplay as a stepping off point. I hope to finish something, anything, just to say I’ve done it, then use what I do finish as something I can use to maybe get help on.
I’m a concept guy, not a plot guy but because I have no money, no one will listen to me unless I have something complete that I can show them. So, I have to put in the work. I have to actually do something that people can read and put their hands on instead of daydreaming. That’s tough for me. I have a tendency to bounce around a lot creatively, but I do have the bucketlist objective of having written a screenplay, so I’m trying to do something different for once.
But, anyway, the point is, it’s nearly impossible to write about Trump for me. I can write about the era that he’s created, but not he, specifically, himself. Maybe someone else can help me and do that at some point down the road, but I see my goal with this screenplay just to get something, anything done and then run with it.