This song is about how completely delusional Trump supporters are and it seems as though there’s nothing you can say that will get them woke.
Secret Society
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
the first rule of the secret society
is there is no secret society
Trump is a god it’s to you it’s true
I can scream till I’m blue in the face
but I have to deal with your logical disgrace
your girl is willing to shake her rump to Trump
and you lobe your drool my way
but what are we going to do as you toggle the facts
I hate to lump you in with racists
but Trump is a racist it’s a fact
sorry if I have principles that you lack
there’s no secret society
there’s no secret society
no secret that you’re a fool
what am I going to do
you don’t seem to care that I dare you to see
the facts that are as clear as the day
nothing can get you to admit that Trump is not god
you hold the same nation dear that I do
but why is this not as red as the sun
that Trump is a piece of scum
you refuse to admit the shit I know is true
’cause you’re obsessed with a secret society
that doesn’t exist within the government
there’s no secret society
there’s no secret society
no secret that you’re a fool
what am I going to do
wish this wasn’t the case
it would be nice if we could agree
but we can’t agree on the facts
and that’s just sad
now what is all I can say
you tell me I just need to get laid
enjoy the economy
I can get all the humming a man can want
I’ll still be angry as can be
about what I feel Trump is doing to
the nation I love so much
there’s no secret society
there’s no secret society
no secret that you’re a fool
what am I going to do