by Shelton Bumgarner
The more I think about it, the more I realize the vibe I want for this possible screenplay I’m sketching out is a scifi Trump era Network. I want to at least attempt to write a story that sort of soaks up the national zeitgeist and spits it out in an intelligent manner.
Network is a brilliant film for numerous reasons. I guess I’m frustrated that Hollywood hasn’t begun to pump out movies like Network about the Trump Era and I am kind of absent mindedly writing one of my own just because the concept is so strong and interesting that I’m entertaining myself thinking up all kinds of different insane things that might happen given the scenario I’ve cooked up.
I like the idea that one man ostensibly average guy would be, through no fault of his own, put in an extraordinary situation where he was forced to decide the fate of the entire world. I have been dwelling on this scenario for years, but hadn’t figured out a plot until recently.
But the issue is I have to put the work in. I can talk about this all I want to, but if I don’t put the work in this is just mental masturbation. It’s fun to sketch things out.