This is my attempt at just regular old pop song. I have no beats — and can’t afford any — so I just find existing music I think fits the concept and run with it. If I had a co-writer and new beats, I probably could do something cool with this. As always, consider this just a first draft.
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
nothing can be done
that can’t be done well
so dwell on this
if you want to be mine
you’re going to have deal
with me
and my inclination
to be little extra
nothing is simple
with me in your life
just wait for the delight
I’m going to be extra
no matter what you say
extra is just my way
extra is just my way
you think you got me figured out
understand what I’m all about
but me being extra is not act
that’s a fact you’ll have to see
when you’re alone with me
nothing is simple
with me in your life
just wait for the delight
I’m going to be extra
no matter what you say
extra is just my way
extra is just my way
you think you can understand me
think you can impress me with bling
but you have to know
my extra is me to my core
so don’t be a bore
when the lights are down low
you’ll know why you put up with my shit
you’ll get my drift cause I’ll make it simple
I’ll go the extra mile
to put a smile on your face