#Trump, A Reassessment: Mulling The Long Con #Resist

by Shelton Bumgarner

For about six months after Trump’s election, I was so angry that I seethed with rage. Now that I have calmed down considerably, I find myself struggling to understand why Trump won and what is continued appeal is for roughly 37% of the American electorate.

We have to understand that Trump is a product of social media. Something about the rise of social media has made people extremely partisan. Some of it has to do, I think, with how easy it is to block or otherwise avoid people who disagree with you. So, both sides simply wallow in an echo chamber of things they agree with, leading to the breakdown of the traditional basic need of democracy to have consensus, compromise and synthesis. Throw in dark money, gerrymandering and Russian meddling through bots and paid trolls and you have us where we are today.

And, yet, we have one significant thing to be thankful for: Trump has no political ideology. He has no strategy. He’s all about the tactical win. He’s all about winning the moment. If Trump had the rock-hard ideology of, say, Pat Buchanan, we would be in serious trouble indeed.

But, as it stands, there is no Trumpism without Trump. Whatever magical mystery power Trump has over a sizable chunk of the electorate is attached to him personally. So, really, the only way to get rid of Trumpism is to completely vanquish Trump personally as a political force. That is quite tricky because the American Republic is on such shaky legs for various reasons that the core problems that allowed the Trump caner to fester will remain for many years to come.

One issue is people like me are too quick to enrage and not engage Trump supporters because, well, we’re at a loss as to where to begin. Where do we begin to engage people who we feel support a racist, misogynist bigoted nativist? I struggle to do that for various reasons. I closest I can come is seeing that the blind rage of people in rural areas about the modern liberal order was so great in 2016 that they were willing to overlook any flaw on Trump’s part because they thought he would, in fact “drain the swamp.”

That’s the thing that I think people like me have the most difficulty understanding: that core group of people who support Trump really do support the authoritarian chaos that he has caused since he came to power. That’s what they wanted. It’s difficult for secular humanists like me understand why “values voters” could possibly support the thrice married Trump. But they do. They do because they know that while he’s using them for his own political needs, he will, in fact give them the reach around that they have longed for so desperately. He gives them a sense of power that they haven’t felt in decades, if ever. The fact that it’s all a gross political ploy doesn’t phase them.

Another thing people like me struggle to understand is that fact that rock hard core group of Trump supporters that aren’t going anywhere really do think a Hillary Clinton administration would have been worse. They actually, to this day, really think that. They may be a lot more quiet than they were election day night, but they still think it.

Which raises an interesting counter-factual. What if Clinton had won? What would the world look like a year after the election? Probably something like this: instead of Trump’s tweets causing chaos from the White House, they would incite the Republican Congress to look for any number of different reasons to impeach Clinton and they probably would have gotten pretty damn close.

But Trump won. So we have to deal with the consequences. One of the crucial unknowns is will things snap back into place once Trump finally leaves the public sphere, or are we doomed. Are we going to suffer a Russian-style autocracy from now on because of the damage that Trump has inflicted on our body politic, or will we go back to some semblance of normalcy once he’s gone?

The answer to this question lies, in great part, to who succeeds Trump. If it’s Mike Pence, probably things will be more likely to snap back into some semblance of being normal. However, if Trump manages to last a full term, or even get re-elected, all bets are off. It is possible, probably probable, that we’ve reached some sort of event horizon whereby the realms of celebrity and politics are so muddle that they are indistinguishable.

It may be that the person who manages to heal the divides caused by Trump — and they are many — won’t be a traditional politician at all, but a liberal celebrity who manages to bridge the gaping wound that Trump has caused in our national psyche. The longer Trump stays president, the more likely it will be, say a Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart who succeeds him. I like to think that the only person who stands up to the middle school bully is the middle school class clown and it would make a lot of sense if someone like them took up the challenge of bringing down Trumpism. Though of late I’ve begun to think that the only person who could handle the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune any Democrat would suffer at the hands of FOX News’ bullshit would be someone tough as nails like Chelsea Handler.

The most ominous aspect of all of this is it’s possible we’re doomed. It really is possible that the United States is now a failed state and the only thing keeping it together is Trump himself. It’s possible that Trumpists are so completely deluded and brainwashed by their bullshit bubble that once he’s no longer in power things will grow dire indeed. And that doesn’t even begin to address the possibility that someone really dangerous — a charismatic Right-wing nutjob with an ideology — may learn from the mistakes of Trump and inflict the final death blow to the American Republic. That we really may fall of the precipitous into a dystopia.

I would like to think I have some hope that that worse case scenario won’t happen, but I don’t. History doesn’t go in a straight line and there are absolutely no assurances that the good guys will win. All we can hope is that some sort of sanity will return to American political discussion sooner rather than later.

Shelton Bumgarner is a writer and photographer living in Richmond, Va. He can be reached at migukin (at) gmail.com.

‘Don’t Leave Me Alone With Trump’ — #Lyrics To A Pop Power Ballad

This would be a song like Elton John’s Someone Saved My Life Tonight. That’s the vision, at least.

Don’t Leave Me Alone With Trump
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or peform

the time has come to admit the truth
the painful kind I’m afraid
the type you don’t want to admit to yourself
the leader of my nation is scary
he has ruined the office for the time being

we’re all going to have address our fears
things have gotten so bad, so very bad
it doesn’t seem as though things will return to normal
anytime soon the way things are going
don’t leave me alone with Trump
don’t leave me alone with Trump
don’t leave me alone with Trump

the women have come out of the woodwork
like clockwork it seems they tell the same story
a story that would leave anyone distressed
Trump wants to get under their clothes
do to them God only knows
so let me plea to you once again
whatever you do don’t let me suffer
don’t leave me alone with Trump
don’t leave me alone with Trump
don’t leave me alone with Trump

Late Night Mulling Over A “Twitter Killer” #Startup

by Shelton Bumgarner

I still think the time is ripe for a “Twitter Killer” startup that also served the center-Left community. I say this because a lot of content providers, celebrities and thought leaders are unhappy with Twitter’s abuse problem and difficulty of use. At the same time, those people are also opposed to the Trump Administration. So, it makes a lot of sense for a new service to accommodate the two groups from the ground up.

Two things have been lost since the 1990s — “chat rooms” and “discussion boards.” So, why not design a service from the ground up that updated and combined those two services in an intuitive manner while also leaning heavily on video chat.

It makes a lot of sense, in my opinion. Of course, this is the point where you ask if I think it’s such a great idea, why don’t I do it myself? Well, I don’t see that as my purpose. My purpose would be to help organize it and promote it.

But, who are we kidding, it’s not like this is actually going to happen. The only way I could see it maybe happening is if Trump fires Bob Mueller and there’s a groundswell of people who want to protest on a regular basis.

Talk To Me Internet: #TrumpRussia #Resist #CarterPage #DPRK

by Shelton Bumgarner

Talk to Me Internet
In this wide-ranging conversation, we talk about #TrumpRussia, the #DPRK #NorthKorea, #Trump’s trip to #Seoul, #SouthKorea as well as the recent #election2017. We talk a lot about #CarterPage and his relation to the Trump Campaign.

This Charlie Sheen Charge…HOLY SHIT

by Shelton Bumgarner

There is a report floating around that Charlie Sheen allegedly raped the late Cory Haim when he was a kid. This blows my mind. Totally. But given where the report is coming from — the National Enquirer — it could be total bullshit.

But who knows. It’s something to at least look into. It’s pretty bonkers, one way or another. And, yet, given how bonkers Charlie Sheen is in general I guess I shouldn’t be all that shocked.

How To Kill Twitter & Bring Down Trump #Startup #Resist

by Shelton Bumgarner

It goes without saying that a lot of people are unhappy with both Twitter and Trump. It seems pretty obvious as well that if you did a venn diagram of these two groups the overlap would be the core of a new social media service designed to not only kill Twitter, but bring down Trump.

So, even though I have no money, can’t code and don’t want to learn, here’s how I feel you could accomplish these two goals in tandem.

First, you designed a service from the ground up specifically meant to have a robust on-boarding system as well as one that once and for all fixed the problem of the online harassment associated with bots and trolls. It would likely be popular almost instantly. That is the crux of the weakness with Twitter. Twitter is dead in the water in some respects and it wouldn’t take that much to kill it if you simply addressed the major problems with Twitter in an intuitive, effective manner.

An unintended consequences of all of this is a lot of celebrities, though leaders and content providers who are extremely unhappy with Twitter would flock to a service that gave them a better experience from the get-go. They, in turn, would bring with them a lot followers who simply wanted the opportunity to engage them like they currently do on Twitter.

Meanwhile, a lot of people know that should Trump finally do the unconscionable and fire Bob Mueller, that they’re going to want to take to the streets. But the United States isn’t South Korea. If you wanted to bring down Trump through people power, it would be a complex, national affair. You’d have to keep the protests legal and regular for no other reason than if you just protested without the proper permits, etc., you’d just get arrested.

Bringing down a president with people power in the States would be require the single greatest popular unrest the country has ever seen. It’s the kind of thing social media was designed for, but never, to date, used to do so in a developed country. So, I believe, you’d need a whole new service designed to specifically facilitate massive, regular nationwide protests if you wanted to bring down Trump.

Put these two concepts together in a social media startup, and I think it would be pretty effective. It would serve as the core of a Twitter killer that would blow up pretty quickly.

The question, of course, is how to actually do it. Probably crowdfunding it our best bet. So, it’s likely that we’d have to wait for Trump to fire Mueller before all the pieces fell into place. I just can’t see an angel investor being willing to shell out the money needed to design such a service. But if Trump finally swerved into a full blown autocrat, I think Americans wouldn’t stand for it. America isn’t Turkey, for Christ’s sake.

One feature I think a lot of content providers would like in my vision of this is that Verified account holders would have more power than the average user. I think if you gave specific power to Verified account holders, they would feel they were stakeholders in the service and their engagement would be higher.

As I have said before, I think you should divide the service into Groups that are divided into threaded Discussions. There would also be a strong video element to the service, whereby you’d be able to have four-way video chat with people in the context of a threaded discussion. This doesn’t even begin to address the features you’d need to facilitate people organizing mass protests.

Shelton Bumgarner is a writer, photographer and daydreamer living in Richmond, Va. You can contact him via email at migukin (at) gmail.com.

Mulling A “Twitter Killer” Designed To Facilitate Protests Against Trump

by Shelton Bumgarner

I keep talking about this for no other reason than it’s fun and I like to daydream. But it seems the time is ripe for a “Twitter Killer” as well as a service designed from the ground up to aid and abet massive regular protests against Trump.

If you put the two concepts together, that would be the core of a new successful social media platform in my opinion. On one hand, a lot of center-Left celebrities and content providers would flock to a new service they felt worked harder to mitigate trolls and bots and those same people would be interested in a service designed to help bring down Trump from a strategic standpoint.

But, like I said, I just like to daydream. Because I have no money, can’t code and don’t want to learn this will never come to be. Below, I talk about this concept some more.

What’s The Craic? #TrumpRussia #Election2017 #Podcast

by Shelton Bumgarner

What’s the Craic?
Today we talked about it being #Election2017 in the States, #CarterPage, #TrumpRussia and Wilber Ross. We also talked about Harvey Weinstein and #Hollywood. Please be sure to like our page, follow us and share this video as much as possible.

A New Social Media #Startup Is Needed To Bring Down Trump’s Administration

by Shelton Bumgarner

Again let me stress that I’m a daydreamer. I just like to talk out loud about things and see if I can get any response. So, take that into consideration as you read this.

Anyway, it seems as though right now all the major social media niches are filled. Reddit, Twitter and Facebook all fill a niche and so there’s not much point in designing a news social media platform that challenges any of them. Having said that, I would note that there a lot of people — many of them content providers — who are fed up with Twitter. These very same people are also ardently against Trump’s policies.

So, it makes a lot of sense if you designed a service that was initially designed to help people organize protests against Trump’s Administration, but later could be repurposed to go after Reddit or Twitter, maybe even Facebook down the road.

I have given this concept a lot — a lot — of thought. It seems to me you would need to lean on video conferencing a lot as well as text chat. I would suggest something like this:

The service would be divided into Groups that were only created by Verified account holders. Those groups would be subdivided into Discussions that would be live text chat and threaded discussions. So, you would go into a Group called, say, “D.C. Protest May 2018” and you’d first see text chat on the right third of the screen. You’d have a text chat with someone then have the option of starting a video chat with them that would be done into conjunction with a threaded discussion based on a post.

You would have a brief video chat of up to four people, then once it was done, you could write a blog post beneath it. Now, you would have to figure out how to implement the text feature with threaded discussion. That particular issue might need some additional thought, but I have the general concept down.

Anyway, you would also have any number of features that would aid in organizing a protest in your city. You’d start off with the major urban areas, then roll that aspect of the service out to additional areas as needed. This concept is really powerful and important because we’re in dire times that are only going to get worse, I’m afraid.

As an aside, the Right has their own service, called Gab. It’s batshit insane and maybe we need a counterpart to Gab that was significantly more mainstream and devote to a more Twitter experience than Gab, which is a Facebook clone. It’s all just something to think about at this point.

People Power: End Trump’s Administration With A New Social Media Platform

By Shelton Bumgarner

Now, let me get some things out of the way. I like to daydream. A lot. A whole lot. I like to daydream in a pure, impractical manner. Also, I have no money, can’t code and don’t really see it as my “function” in life. Having said all that, let me again say that we need a new social media platform designed specifically to aid in protests against Donald Trump.

I think we we should design a platform from the ground up that would be designed to specifically to make it easier for people to engage in massive protests across the country with the aim of bringing down Trump. Later, after you were successful, you could flip the switch and turn the service into at least a Reddit Killer and maybe even a Twitter Killer.

One reason we need to do this is we are lurching towards of codification of Trumpism at the state level, so it may grow ever more difficult for us to bring down the Trump Administration at all. If you’re all that interested in learning more about this contact me on Twitter and I’ll write more posts about this.

In my imagination, you could probably crowdfund this concept and then move from there. But maybe Trump has to do something really bad, like fire Bob Mueller before there will be any interest in this concept. But it’s something to think about. Something big needs to be done on a concerted level to bring down Trump.

I have explain at length on my Instagram account the specs for this concept. The account is under my name.

Anyway, it’s something to think about.