‘Big Hands Eats The World’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock Power Ballad

These lyrics would go to a beat a lot like “A Day In The Life.” Anyway, this is supposed to be a surreal tale of 2017. That’s the goal, at least.

Big Hands Eats The World
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

there doesn’t seem to be
anything we can do but flee
the end has come
the sun runs with blood
and big hands wants it all for himself
demanding that we huff and huff and huff
until we give him all our stuff
the question for us is what happens next
will we submit
or will we resist

big hands you want it all
big hands it’s your call
you want us to submit
but we will resist, resist, resist

now hold on tight
we’ll have a bit of delight
before it’s all over I swear
things will get scary it’s true
but what can you do, what can you do
the bad guy won and now we’re in the can
give me a light babe
maybe that will make it alright
or maybe we’re all going to die

big hands you want it all
big hands it’s your call
you want us to submit
but we will resist, resist, resist

I still have hope
that maybe we’re not all on a rope
maybe things will change
maybe things will change
and we’ll go back to when things were sane

people are killing each other in the street
but what about Chicago the alt-right sings
please shut up and let me think
we’re not meant to sink into oblivion just yet

big hands don’t grab me just yet
I need to realize my strength
big hands don’t grab me just yet
I need to realize my strength

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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