‘Drain The Swamp’ — Lyrics To A Woke Country Pop Rock Song

These lyrics are meant to be a homage to Lynyrd Skynard’s Swamp Music and Charlie Daniels’ Uneasy Rider. That’s the goal, at least. I don’t really have a beat, but in my imagination it’d be something country rock in its stylings. Maybe a little funky too.

Drain The Swamp
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

ol Trump tells me
tells me all the time
that he’s going to drain the swamp
drain the swamp, drain the swamp

I look all around
all I see is swamp creatures
making their way down D.C. way
got me singing the blues

when are we going to drain the swamp
like I keep being told
when are we going to drain the swamp
am I being played for a fool
all I want is someone to
drain the swamp
drain the swamp
drain the swamp

the people know when they’re being lied to
we know what to do
we know what to do
come election time
we’re going to ride the blue wave
getting in there someone new

when are we going to drain the swamp
like I keep being told
when are we going to drain the swamp
am I being played for a fool
all I want is someone to
drain the swamp
drain the swamp
drain the swamp

people tell just wait and see
give ol Trump a chance
believe me I have
but that time has been had

the swamp is going to be drained
soon enough
soon enough
soon enough
but only once ol Trump is thrown
out on his butt

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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