Volodymyr Zelenskyy Should Go On The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast

by Shelt Garner

I’ve always thought Joe Rogan was something of a grifter when it came to giving otherwise alienated men something to latch onto. Just because you’re earnest in your masculinity, doesn’t excuse you if you show signs of misogyny, racism or fascism.

But here we are, Rogan is hugely popular in large because a lot of men are struggling to adapt to this strange new world we live in where many “woke” people think that, by definition, being male is bad. Slay the patriarchy and all that.

Then there is Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine. He gives me hope as a man because he doesn’t have any gimmick like Joe Rogan. He’s just a dude doing traditional dude stuff in a traditional dude manner. So, it makes me wonder what would happen if Rogan in all of his earnest masculinity were to interview Zelenskyy.

I think in the end, Rogan would be a puppy dog to Zelenskyy. I say this because Rogan doesn’t have the weight that Zelenskyy has and he’s always angling in to come across as reasonable, even he’s interviewing a fucking bonkers fascist. As such, Rogan frames his conversations in a way that grades people who are demonstrably bad so they they seem just misunderstood.

There is a reason why Rogan is a alt-right, New Right, MAGA gateway drug. He has a tendency to want it both ways — he wants to have power and yet when it gets called on some dumb thing he says, he does a Jon Stewart and says, ‘Why are you listening to me in the first place?”

Anyway, it would definitely be illuminative for Rogan to interview Zelenskyy. Hopefully the war will be over soon so that can happen.

Are Comparisons Between Zelenskyy & Churchill Legitimate?

by Shelt Garner

Short Answer: We don’t know yet — and why are you asking me?

Long Answer:

I’m a big believer in the idea that people rise to the occasion — but they have to have the opportunity to rise to the occasion. It is rare for people not to rise to the occasion, though Trump is a recent instance of that very thing.

But Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, definitely seems to be rising to the occasion. And, yet, the verdict is still very much out. To this date, there are historical ne’er-do-wells who posit that Lincoln or Churchill weren’t all that great.

I think we want and need Zelenskyy to be the hero of the moment. It is interesting that the bar is so fucking low for modern leadership that Zelenskyy simply doing what we all assume our leaders will do — lead — is a huge deal. But, in general, the verdict is still out.

I wish him well and believe in him, though.