The Conundrum That Is Having A Tooth Ache When You’re Living In Poverty

by Shelt Garner

Thing about having a tooth ache that is careening towards going abscess when you’re poor is you know that even if you fill out the paperwork to get it done on the cheap, you’re still going to have to wait a while to have it fixed one way or another.

As such, you can find yourself sort of stuck in neutral as you contemplate that you’re facing a not-unsignificant amount of time ahead of you being in pain. Because of this, I find myself just being unhappy in general.

No matter what I do, for the time being, I’m going to be in pain. It all sucks very bad. There are no ready answers to this particular situation. I’m going to have to suffer for a while, no matter what the ultimate endgame.

Anyway, have a toothache sucks.

Is My Online Stalker A KAF Person?

by Shelt Garner

If Annie Shapiro was alive, I would totally think it was her who is stalking me online at the moment. But she’s tragically dead, so, it can’t be her. I thought maybe it was someone close to her or someone who hates / loves me from South Korea.

Now, I’m beginning to wonder if someone from the KAF community remains REALLY FUCKING INTERESTED in me. Even when I was active in KAF they were pretty much all stalking me as it was. So, it definitely seems as though if I have a stalker and not a fan, it would be someone with KAF.

And I seem to recall that there was at least one KAF person who managed to dig up some embarrassing thing I wrote online 25 odd years ago. I’m just not that interesting, at least not yet. And if you’re obsessed with a nobody like me — maybe you should seek help?

You could at least wait until I blow up with my DJ money to care that much about me, to have a parasocial relationship with me.

Guessing Who My Online Stalker Is

by Shelt Garner

  1. Zombie Annie Shapiro
  2. Someone who REALLY hates me from South Korea
  3. Someone who REALLY likes me from South Korea
  4. The person who murdered Annie Shapiro
  5. A serial killer (misc)
  6. Some rando who REALLY is interested in me for an innocent reason.

Broken Ankle Update

by Shelt Garner

Well, things are moving forward with the clusterfuck that is my severely broken right ankle. As of this moment, we have some sense of when the surgery will be. And, as I have mentioned, as long as I can continue to write, read and develop these novels I’m working on, then I’m ok.

I kind of knew Something Bad was about to happen leading up to this event, I just didn’t know it was going to be this. There are two ways of looking at this. One way is that now that Something Bad has happened to me on a personal level, I should be in the clear for the future.

The other way of thinking about it is, bad things usually happen in threes and I’m fucked.

Anyway, I definitely feel I’m in a New Era of my life now. There’s no going back. I’ve officially gotten hurt as part of the development of these novels, the least I can do is actually wrap them up so my pain won’t all be in vain.

So I Broke My Right Ankle

by Shelt Garner

Jesus, this sucks. Due to a very freak set of circumstances, I find myself with a broken right ankle. The only bright side to any of this is it’s not like I broke my arm, hand or wrist.

The current state of my right ankle.

I can still write.

And, for the time being, I’m definitely encouraged to write and read because it’s extremely difficult for me to do much of anything else. Just tonight, I’ve managed to prove to myself that I can, in fact, just listen to music and write because if I don’t I grow very, very bored and frustrated.

As such, for the time being, I’m going to spend ever more of my waking time working on these four novels. Though, I will admit, my current run-in with the medical system has me again thinking about a novel or screenplay I have rolling around my mind that is pandemic relatedly in its theme.

But, for the time being, I’m just going to focus on these four thrillers I’ve been working on while dabbling in the screenplay concept I’ve discovered I work to work on as well.

Anyway, wish me luck.

Ugh. People Doing Due Diligence On Me

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

I’m a nobody. I could literally drop dead this very moment and it would barely warrant an obit. I’m a failed reporter. No one likes me. I have no friends. Lulz. But for some reason of late I get the sense that Very Serious People are interested in me for some reason.

It’s all good. I encourage people to poke around not just this website but my Twitter, Instagram and Facebook profiles. Have at it. Have fun. I’d prefer if you weren’t ICE agents collecting data to justify “disappearing” me, but I guess you can’t have everything.

The crazy thing about the modern Web is everything is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Unless you’re somewhere on the Dark Web, you can’t really talk about a famous person without at least “their people” noticing it. I think this comes from robots that troll the web looking for people’s names. I think there are services that let you sorta ego surf in a very aggressive manner.

Anyway. I’m different. I’ve never fit in and I never will. I’m not changing and I honestly don’t care if you like me or not. If you ain’t got Habers you ain’t poppin.

It would be cool if you enjoyed my writing. I am writing a novel of about 165,000 words so, you know. But I’m not for everyone. I know this so well that I can come off rather effusive when someone does, in fact, actually like me.

We’ll see, I guess. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe no one is look at my online footprint. It’s just a hunch, afterall.