by Shelt Garner
It definitively seems as though at some point in the near future, probably between 2028 and 2032, the idea of implementing a Universal Basic Income will go mainstream.

I say this because it’s clear that LLM minds are going to android bodies as quickly as possible. But, come to think of it, for paper-pusher jobs, their downfall could happen even sooner.
It’s very amusing to me how all these computer science nerds want the fucking Singularity to arrive as fast as possible when, by definition, there’s a good chance that they will all lose their jobs — everyone will lose their jobs, full stop. Given how smug “coders” have been towards people like me, I sometimes get angry and wish they would all lose their jobs en masse and be required to pick up liberal arts as their token of apology.
But that will never happen.
Yet I do think that UBI is going to become really popular pretty soon. We could save so much money — especially on administrative costs — if we just sent out a check to everyone in the country instead of having some sort of elaborate social safety net.
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