by Shelt Garner
I have managed to cut down my new first act of the new version of the thriller novel I’ve been working on for years to about 44 scenes or so. I’ve attempted to make the first act as simple as possible. I’m attempting to streamline things to the point that I don’t overwhelm readers with a lot of information.

All of this has reduced the word count down to something a little bit more manageable.
The novel is now going to be a far more a traditional murder-in-a-small-town type of affair. There is a lot more of a point to the novel, I think. Previously, the novel was something of a character study that didn’t seem to have much of a point to it.
I haven’t yet gotten to the part of the new version of the novel that is the second draft of the novel. Things may slow down dramatically at that point as I try to figure out how to essentially write a third draft to the novel.
But the key thing is — I now have a first act. Before, I just started the novel at a point in the story where there was a lot of information thrown at the reader. Now, there is an entire act before the murder happens, which is what I wanted.
This is similar to what happens in The Girl Who Played With Fire. I like that structure style for some reason. I like the idea of there being a whole act that leads up to the murder instead of just opening with a body being discovered or it happening in the first few chapters.
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