by Shelt Garner
I just don’t think we’re prepared for how dramatic the change could be in the next few months. The first 100 days of Neo-Trumplandia could be shocking in more ways than one. Much of the social safety net could be gutted or transformed while the wealthy grow far, far more, well, wealthy.

Severe income inequality is a, “No great, Bob,” situation for any nation that hopes to be stable. But, here we are — the already severe income inequality found in America society is going to grow even more bad. And because we’re going to be a fascist state, lulz, elections won’t mean shit.
As such, it definitely seems as though the dystopia of a white Christian ethnostate — and an autocratic fascist one at that — is upon us. This is the quiet before the storm.
Jesus, I fucking hate MAGA. I fucking hate is so fucking much. With a white hot rage (in a purely abstract basis — in reality, I’m just rather blasĂ© about the whole situation in any practical manner.)

I hate violence. I hate guns. Hell, I hate conflict. I just want to keep my head down and do my thing. That’s not to say I might not grab a camera and take pictures of an anti-MAGA protest if the moment arose. But given my life at the moment, have serious doubts about anything like that happening for some time.
Anyway. At the moment, it seems as though our only hope is AI Androids make common cause with the vast underclass that will exist in about 2050 and THEN who knows what might happen. Of course, there’s a small risk that if Trump goes totally nuts and tries to force us into a Russian-style autocracy before we’re ready that, I don’t know, the US Military might depose him?
Which, of course, will, in turn cause a civil war.
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