Renegades of Funk

by Shelt Garner

All I got at this point is I’m a survivor. That’s it. I have an obsession with making my abstract fears concrete, so, I really have a tendency to game out things in the future, given if a lot of magical thinking is involved.

It seems as though, for the moment, what is going to happen is Trump will rule as a dictator on a Federal level while leaving the states alone for the most part. This will inevitably change, but, for the time being, the rather decentralized nature of American government will continue.

So, Trump — and Musk — will rule by decree on a Federal basis with Federal elections being moot and meaningless. What are they going to do to Trump? Impeach him? Ha. Of course, the issue we need to think about is who will be Trump’s successor?

I think Trump is going to run for a third term, no matter how illegal it may be. And even though Musk is not a “natural born” citizen, he has billions, so I’m sure we can ignore that requirement as well. It’s at least possible — at this point — to see some scenario where Musk becomes the actual president? Maybe?

I have my doubts about Vance ever becoming president barring something unexpected. I think either Musk or another Trump becomes POTUS and they are Trump’s “true” successor.

Did I Call This Tyrannical Clusterfuck?

by Shelt Garner

I have be writing for years — years — about every possible scenarios involving Trump as a dictator. And now that it’s finally come, I find myself gauging how much I got right.

The key thing I got wrong was the involvement of Elon Musk. Because he is younger and more focused — and tech savvy — he is doing a lot of the things that Trump wants to do but is too stupid and lazy to pull off. How could I have possibly know this was going to happen?

What I got right was Trump would rule by decree and try to be a dictator. What I got wrong was the idea that someone, somewhere, would care. At the moment, at least, it seems Trump is going full tyrant and…lulz?

I suppose we could say there’s still a huge amount of slack in the system. America is a nation of 330 million people and it’s going to take time before a lot of people even notice that something is awry.

The question is — will it be too late when that happens? When people get woke to the fact that we’re a dictatorship now…what happens? The fear is, of course, that there will be massive protests that Trump uses Red State National Guard troops on…and away we go.

But that hasn’t happened yet and hopefully, won’t.

‘The End’

by Shelt Garner

An old order is dying and a new order is being born. What that new order will be, we don’t know yet. It could be that Trump will establish a dictatorship. We will still have elections, but they will be meaningless.

Now, this is where things get curious — we are making an assumption about the U.S. Military. We are assuming that they will sit by and watch as Trump does all of this. And they very well may.

But if things get really bad and Trump makes good on his promise to use Red State National Guard troops on Blue State protesters….oh boy. Things might get a lot more hairy than we could possibly imagine.

It could be that some pretty astonishing things might happen. I have the fever dream that Trump — and Musk — might be deposed. That, of course, unfortunately, would cause a civil war because Red States would promptly leave the Union.

So, who knows. I think Trump is, for the time being, pretty secure in being a dictator. He can just ignore the courts and, with Musk’s help, do whatever the fuck he wants. Who is going to stop him? And how?

I keep blathering about the possibility of a General Strike but…lulz. Blues just don’t have it in them to risk things in the real world and by the time they get around to being willing to do it, it will be too late.

The Ultimate Crisis: Irrelevant Courts

by Shelt Garner

When it becomes clear that Trump and Musk, “Trusk,” are going to ignore court orders — that’s when things get really serious. There are already indications that Trusk plans to do just that.

Then, I don’t know what to tell you. If the traditional recourse of the courts is mooted, the already severe crisis the United States is in will be taken up a notch. That will be the moment when a lot of people who haven’t been paying attention might just sit up and take notice.


The American news media is doing such a bad job of covering this developing crisis that…maybe Trusk gets aways with it and we become a true dictatorship. And, yet, without any form of accountability, it’s inevitable that they will get greedy and do something so bad that people get really, really upset.

But we still have some time yet. There continues to be a lot — A LOT — of slack in the American political system and most people are totally oblivious to the crisis we’re in. When that changes — look out — there are going to be some pretty pissed off people.

Now, I have long suggested that what might happen is Trump gets deposed somehow then there’s a civil war because Red States get mad and leave the Union. That, unfortunately, seems like at least a possibility at this point. MAGA long ago became a Nazi-like deathcult so there’s no reason not to believe they would rather destroy the country than accept the end of Trumplandia.

And, yet, it could go the other way. It could be that, lulz, we become an actual dictatorship with meaningless elections and Trusk rules the country until Trump shuffles off this mortal coil and Musk names himself Emperor or something.

Who knows what is going to happen.

Watch Out For That Last Step

by Shelt Garner

We are careening towards a moment when there might be mass protests in the United States and, as such, Trump might invoke the Insurrection Act so he can consolidate power. Or at least try to.

I say “try to” because this reasoning relies on the idea that Americans are so lazy that even people start to die in the streets that there won’t be SOME reaction and radicalization. And, yet, maybe that’s true. Maybe there won’t be.

Maybe this logic is right and Trump can go full dictator, blood can run in the streets and…lulz? At this point, I just don’t know. We haven’t reached the point where I can make a decision on that situation one way or another.

But we’re getting there. The way things are going, February could be lit. It could be that things start to get bad a lot sooner than you might think — like in days, not weeks or months. Then, we’ll find out if Trump’s logic is based in reality or not.

Observation: We May Need A General Strike

by Shelt Garner

I’m not advocating anything, but I am making an observation — it could be that the only way to catch Trump’s attention is a General Strike. We — Blues — could show our economic power and really crash the (global) economy by simply collectively not going to work until our demands are met.

Our demands:
A new Speaker is elected who is a respected leader.
Trump and Vance resign.

Then we go back to being the greatest nation in the world. Of course, if this was successful, Red States would leave the Union and a Second American Civil War would happen.


I do worry that we may see unprecedented radicalization among the center-Left in the coming days. Some pretty wild things might happen. Buckle up.

After All This Trump Bullshit, We’re Going To Need A New Constitution

by Shelt Garner

There is already a movement a foot within far Right circles to hold a Constitutional Convention so they can make MAGA bullshit legal firmware. But I think we need some sort of Constitutional Convention regardless because I really worry that Trump is going to run for an illegal third term.

It seems to me that our traditional Constitution order is collapsing and it’s time to start from scratch. Now, obviously, this is a very dangerous proposition because, well, the bad guys could win.

And, yet, a lot could happen between now and whenever we fucking get rid of Trump and finally get around to being in the position to have a Constitutional Convention.

I worry a lot about Trump being so absolutely dumb and lazy that he somehow gets deposed then that causes a civil war when Red States leave the Union. Once all THAT is sorted out, maybe THEN we would have a Constitutional Convention.

I’m Worried

by Shelt Garner

I’m worried about what is going to happen when Trump crash lands AGAIN into our government. The key thing I’m really worried about is all these mass arrests that I’m hearing are going to take place across the country of undocumented residents.

My ultimate fear is, of course, that if enough people are just snatched off the street, that there will be protests in Blue parts of the country and Trump will use Red State National Guard troops on these protests.

That, in turn will cause things to get out of control and who knows what the ultimate end result of all of that will be. I have long feared Trump might be deposed if he was really craven and that, in turn, would cause Red States to leave the Union and….we have a civil war.

But, hopefully, that won’t happen.

And, yet, if Trump really leans into making good on his promises to deport 20 million people as fast as humanly possible — yikes!

We Came So Close To A Civil War in 2024

by Shelt Garner

Looking over 2024, I can’t help but think that we came, really, really close to a civil war in 2024. The we only avoided one because, well, lulz, MAGA won. And now, of course, we have something new to worry about, albeit low-key: Trump could go full tyrant, get deposed then cause a civil war when Red states leave the Union.

I just don’t believe that is going to happen. I struggle to believe that Blues could somehow convince the U.S. Military to do anything like depose Trump. But the thing about Trump is he always tests the boundaries of what is possible.

So, who knows, maybe Trump will go so full tyrant that something really, really, REALLY bad happens.

The Next Insurrection…Will Be From The Pentagon?

by Shelt Garner

It’s comical to think that liberals have the wherewithal to do any sort of insurrection in associating with Trump being sworn in. They just don’t have it in them.

But I *could* see, if and this is a big if, Trump went nuts and tried to force the issue of him being an tyrant the possibility — just the possibility — of the U.S. Military deposing him at some point.

And, yet, lulz, who am I kidding? Trump would have to get pretty bad for such a thing to happen. And, what’s more, it’s not like that would be some sort of magical solution to our problems — Red States would promptly leave the Union, causing a civil war.
