by Shelt Garner
As is always the case with Trumplandia, a lot is going on at the same time. The economy — apparently according to forecasting data — is just about to tank in a way not seen in decades. Meanwhile, there is growing chatter among those in-the-know that the skullfucking that Trump is doing to the Social Security Administration…might…actually cause some disruption in the ability of the service to cut checks on time.

Now, before you get too excited, Americans are extremely docile folks. Not even a Great Depression got them to do anything of note. And the Civil War was, in real terms, something of a fluke and in some ways only happened because Abraham Lincoln, personally, was a badass.
And remember, even if somehow, magically, people took to the streets en masse in an effort to bring down Tyrant Trump one of two things would happen — one it works and there’s a civil war because MAGA Reds would pop a gasket or two it doesn’t work and Tyrant Trump uses it as an excuse to consolidate power and we become a military police state.

So, lulz?
Americans love to just “muddle through” things, but I Trump, personally, is a a cocksucker who loves to make it impossible to do just that, so….we’ll see. It’s at least possible that, by the end of the year, the USA will not only pull out of NATO and the UN, but become a full-fledged tyrannical state under the MAGA Nazi jackboot.

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