by Shelt Garner
Absolutely no one listens to me. And I’m no expert on Russia, but I do love scenarios. So, here’s my back-of-the-envelope scenario for a Second Russian Revolution.
It seems to me the main issue facing Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union is Russia has had an identity crisis. It really doesn’t know what it is. It doesn’t really have a core set of beliefs that it can hang its national Id on. So, if the Russian government collapsed and there was some sort of 1917-like power vacuum, what I would do is grab the nearest Romanov and proclaim them the new tsar.
I, being the real power behind the throne, would then dress up my cause with the built-in legacy of the Russian Empire. But I would flip the script and promise people a constitutional monarchy with an iron-clad bill of rights. I would also promise extensive economic reforms meant to pull Russia into the 21st century.
Russia has the potential to be a major economic power — especially with in the context of global climate change. So, as part of your revolution, you do some creative destruction and dramatically reform a whole host of different aspects of the Russian economy.
I would also promise that if I got control of the government that I would totally re-imagine the Russian military infrastructure.
Anyway. I’m a nobody in America. I just had to get that out of my system.
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