Latest Movie I Can’t Finish: Lucy

by Shelt Garner

Oh boy. Something about working on a novel for years does something to your mind. It is extremely difficult for me to consume media, rather than produce it. The latest example of that is Lucy.

Scarlett Johansson

It’s a Scarlett Johansson vehicle. It’s one of those movies that 10 years ago, I probably would have watched without blinking an eye. But, now, it’s tough. Really tough.

I look at it from the point of view a storyteller and it’s just impossible to watch it without realizing how God-awful bad it is. It’s just horrible. Unwatchable. I just don’t care about the characters, no matter how many times the director makes it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that ScarJo’s character’s life is in danger.

Ugh. So what. Give me something compelling. This is why walk out of about 99% of the movies I go see in the theatres. I get restless and at some point I think to myself, “I’ve learned everything about storytelling I can from this story, why am I watching it?”

And, yet, and YET, I may at least attempt to force myself to keep watching. If nothing else, I’ll find something else to watch or read so I don’t keep being so inward looking when it comes to my art.