‘Little Green Men’ — #Lyrics to a Pop-Rock Song

The point of these lyrics — even though I know nothing about music — is my delusional hope that maybe someone who DOES know something about music my use them as the basis of an actual song. Wake up, people, we need protest songs, stat.

Little Green Men
lyrics by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you produce or perform

we’re coming to your city, yeah
coming to snatch you off the street
put you in a van before you can flee
gunna break your head wide open
even if you’re a mom
your freedom will be gone, gone, gone

Little Green Men
Little Green Men
coming for yah
coming for yah
with a roar
from Russia with love
from Russia with love
love, love, love

your freedoms don’t mean nuthing now
all that matters is that we’re great
don’t worry one bit will let you go
but not before we have a row
gunna remind you who’s in charge
when people take notice, it’ll be too late

keep your mouth shut and you’ll be fine
we’ll let you go after awhile
but if you won’t shut up
we’ll take you to a camp
you little scamp

freedom’s not free as you can see
you gave it all up for a moron
who rules you as a king
just smile and take it
that’s the key

Little Green Men
Little Green Men
coming for yah
coming for yah
with a roar
from Russia with love
from Russia with love
love, love, love

‘Deceit’ — #Lyrics to A Pop Song

I’m being delusional. But I need to distract myself from developing a novel, so I’m going to write lyrics.

lyrics by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you record or produce

it was a time of universal deceit
people gnashed their teeth
hoping one day for freedom
the lies of the state reek
leaving us all far too weak

we live in a time of deceit
tell the truth
tell the truth
it’s a revolutionary act
and that’s a fact
that’s sad, sad, fact

they’ll come for us all one day
for the smiles on our faces
they can only think of disgrace
hoping for us to collapse
but that would just be a lapse

we live in a time of deceit
tell the truth
tell the truth
it’s a revolutionary act
and that’s a fact
that’s sad, sad, fact

lies surround us
but don’t succum
the peace will return
I’m just biding my time
I’m just biding my time
I’m just biding my time

we live in a time of deceit
tell the truth
tell the truth
it’s a revolutionary act
and that’s a fact
that’s sad, sad, fact

‘These Colors’ — #Lyrics To A Protest #Pop Song #Resist

Shelton Bumgarner

In all honesty, me writing lyrics a product of frustration that no one has had the balls to produce any protest songs in the age of Trump. This is more simply me pointing out some potential avenues for other, better qualified people. I have no idea what I’m doing. This is meant to be inspired by Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain.

These Colors
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

we take such pride
in these colors that won’t run
thus it has always been
and thus it will always be

now what do I see
my eyes don’t lie they tell the truth
these colors are running, running, running
now what are we supposed to do
what are we supposed to say
these colors are running
these colors are running
these colors are running

we’ve lost our honor
it seems as though
our time has come and gone
our knees have buckled
pride is gone
what’s there to be proud of

now what do I see
my eyes don’t lie they tell the truth
these colors are running, running, running
now what are we supposed to do
what are we supposed to say
these colors are running
these colors are running
these colors are running


we’ll one day get it all back
the stain will linger long after though
we let it happen to ourselves
how did we let this happen
we let these colors

run run run run run
run run run run run
run run run run run

‘Martha Mitchell’ — #Lyrics To A Pop Protest Song

Shelton Bumgarner

If you know even a little bit about poor old Martha Mitchell, you know she knew a whole lot about Watergate long before we did. She paid a heavy price, too.

Martha Mitchell
Lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
Please give credit if you perform or produce

the truth is all around us
we all have eyes to see
these days it seems we’re all Martha Mitchell
they tell us we’re crazy when we see a fence
when they tell us it’s a wall, wall, wall

Martha Mitchell saw the truth
got a shot for her troubles
her mouth was shut for good
too bad Martha Mitchell didn’t get her chance
to save us all

Martha Mitchell
Martha Mitchell
Martha Mitchell
what did you see
Martha Mitchell what did you know
Martha Mitchell come back
we need you can’t you tell
Martha Mitchell come and set a spell

people tell me America’s great again
they say so with a straight face
all I know is it was already great
Miller’s got a date and I can’t even
get a swipe right
Martha Mitchell how did this happen, happen, happen

the people with connections in Washington
they tell me what to think
sleepy eyes wants to split the difference
but just like Martha Mitchell I know what’s right and wrong
need her spirit it guide me in these trouble days

Martha Mitchell
Martha Mitchell
Martha Mitchell
what did you see
Martha Mitchell what did you know
Martha Mitchell come back
we need you can’t you tell
Martha Mitchell come and set a spell

all I know is Martha got it right
she was telling the truth, yes she was
Nixon was a bad, bad, man
but they pinned her down so she was silenced
will we be any different?

Martha Mitchell
Martha Mitchell
Martha Mitchell
what did you see
Martha Mitchell what did you know
Martha Mitchell come back
we need you can’t you tell
Martha Mitchell come and set a spell

Fight The Power: Will Trumplandia Force Millennials To Rock?

by Shelton Bumgarner

It goes without saying, at least relative to where I sit, that pop music is pretty boring these days. The closest we have to rock music, oddly enough is not even rock at all: it’s EDM and Rap. The complete absence of rock music of any sort for about 10 years now is really strange.

Which makes me think back to the last time we had really good mainstream music being churned out on a regular basis — the turbulent late 1960s and early 1970s. Now, I am not suggesting that even the existential threat to the Republic known as Trumplandia could cause, say, a new Beatles to pop up.

But I am suggesting that “woke pop” as practiced by the likes of Katy Perry, might be the first stirrings of something far more significant — “protest pop.” Woke pop is about as subtle as it comes when it comes to talking about issues of the day. It’s like a tap on the shoulder or a wink, when I want more of bitchslap. I guess what I want is a revival of the type of music that Public Enemy was producing back in the day. That was the last time I can think of where you had politics directly spoken about in music, though Rage Against The Machine had elements of it as well.

Yet, as I keep saying in different ways, really all this boils down to the marketplace. Given how docile Americans are in general, it takes a lot to rile them up. The protest music of the Civil Right Era and Vietnam Era happened gradually as 1967’s Summer Of Love became, well, 1968.

Some of what happened during that period obviously had something to do with demographics. The Baby Boomers were hitting the brick wall of the Great Generation’s power in society and they weren’t having any of it. I keep thinking that the current dearth in good music is also the result of demographics. Eventually, at some point, my logic goes, the people who were born around 2000 — Millennials — will pick up an electric guitar and discover the joys of punk or rock or rap or whatever.

But as I keep saying, Americans are extremely docile. It takes a huge amount to rile us up, but once you do, watch out. The question, of course, is Trumplandia unto itself enough to bring back politically charged protest pop. Right now, the jury is definitely out. I just don’t know.

It’s one of those things that could go either way. If Tsar-A-Largo grinds on for years and it becomes pretty obvious to everyone that Donald Trump is, in fact, compromised by the Russians, then it’s possible what I want to have happen, will happen. But nothing comes of it or if Trump leaves office significantly sooner than any of us expect, then we’ll have to continue to suffer bad music.

Really, what has to happen is people start writing protest songs and throwing them against the wall. Eventually one of them might stick and open the floodgates of great music. I guy can hope, can’t he?

Shelton Bumgarner is the editor and publisher of The Trumplandia Report. He is a writer and photographer in Richmond, Va. He may be reached at migukin (at) gmail.com.